Here is a great rundown of what liberal politicians lied about to ram through-against the voters wishes,obamcare.

From our local race Jean Shaheen incumbent progressive (communist) Democrate

"Most devastating for New Hampshire families, Shaheen told aggressive lies in order to pass Obamacare. She repeatedly promised New Hampshire voters that Obamacare would:

“let people keep their doctor and their insurance plan if they like it” (deliberate lie);

“expand coverage options for people who need it” (laughable lie);

“stabilize costs for families, businesses and our government” (cruel lie)

“by injecting competition in the insurance market.” (breathtaking lie!)

And, she said, “We can do this without increasing our federal deficit.” (You’ve got to be kidding me.)

As we now know, under the “Affordable Care Act,” your only options are: (1) Take the crap-ass, high-priced/no doctor Obamacare plan; or (2) go bare, and risk being bankrupted by an expensive medical problem. Either way, the price will be astronomical.

And as you have surely heard by now, you absolutely, positively cannot keep your current health insurance. That is, unless your plan already covers acupuncture for transgendered illegal aliens with gambling addictions.

As for the deficit-busting qualities of this wildly expensive law, the Congressional Budget Office now projects that Obamacare is going to cost the federal government $92 billion a year.

But if Shaheen had told the truth, Obamacare never would have passed — even in the sleazy manner it did. So she had to lie! What else could she do?

Hillary For Prison 2018