Originally Posted By: keith

In your small mind, I suppose you would think that is the moral equivalent of selling a house that, by your admission, still contained traces of an extremely hazardous substance. You did disclose that to the buyer, didn't you?

Thanks for yet another example of the dishonesty of Libtards. But then, you already knew my opinion of you. Keep flailing assh*le.

keith, a day doesn’t go by that I don’t have nightmares about what I did. I ride by the house and have noted that two generations of inhabitants have been affected. Two–headed dogs and cats, children never growing over 2 feet tall, one with a head on backwards, and the parents mad as hatters. Oh, the humanity of it. My fault. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. The worst part of it is that all of their first names are spelled lower case—jim, mary, their girls—keith, keith and their other sister keith. . They just don’t know any better to capitalize the first letter in their names; I did it to them by my carelessness and it tortures me. One benefit is that on a hot summer day, the mercury raises what was built as a single story into a two-story home. Not so good on cold days. I pray for forgiveness of this terrible transgression. It haunts me. And it was not just the mercury. I planted kudzu for a lawn. Selling the house accomplished two things: I got rid of the mercury contamination and rotated the kudzu crop by leaving it behind. Thank you for having the courage to point out my terrible, unforgiveable mistake. You are a credit to all capital letter impaired people of all color and religious beliefs.