Ken61, yes, I agree completely, but even now, I'm not sure King really understands what it means when you refer to him as Statist/Religious. Do you recall how many times he thought you were trying to say he was religious in the sense of worshipping a Supreme Being?

We all know he is a Sociopath, but some here like GLS and Rocky Mtn Bill Ferguson defend that.

The problem I see with relating Sociopathic Religious Statism directly to the Constitution is that King and his minions don't give a fat rats ass about the Constitution. They see it as a flawed document. They use it as a tool to advance their agenda. King, a Canadian with no skin in the game, has been actively using our First Amendment here to undermine our Second Amendment... along with several others as he pursues Canadian style restrictions on our gun rights, confiscatory wealth redistribution and preferential treatment for certain ethnic groups.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that you are here to inform and educate. But at some point, I think it becomes important to come straight out and call a liar a liar, or to keep it easily understood for the low information voters and add the pejorative "tard" to make it Libtard. I take a little heat for the direct approach, but none of the dishonest idiots who criticize me about it have been able to demonstrate that King was being truthful when I called him a liar.

I think that says a lot about them, and their own dishonesty or stupidity... or the cowardice to admit their true political beliefs. Gil, Bill, can you hear me? Or is it hard to hear when your head is way up King's kilt?

So now he goes to the faux civility ploy, and the Kumbaya song where we are all just friends. Friends don't continually lie to their friends in order to advance their agenda King. If plain talk is the heart of friendship, why do you resort to your "craft of journalism" excuses and Weasel Words? If plain talk is the heart of friendship, why would you resort to using words that illiterates like ed or GLS would never understand... especially "epistymology" which never entered into our discussion. Etymology, yes, but there was no need to toss in another word which does not apply in order to impress.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.