Originally Posted By: King Brown
Your reference to Tea Party is interesting, Ken. I looked at recent Mike Tanner article at National Review Online titled Why the Tea Party is Waning, not winning.

Labelling, Ken, often is a bad fit, counterproductive, as we see on Misfires.

Interesting. This begs the question of why King was never once critical of the labeling of the TEA Party by radical Left Wing Liberal DNC activists, MSNBC, the Liberal press, and other Libtards, including King himself.

The TEA Party was inaccurately lumped in with racists, misogynists, extreme Right wing militia types, and every negative stereotype you can think of in order to demonize a citizens group that merely wanted limited government, lower taxes, and reduced deficits and debt. Obviously they, the Libtards and other Propagandists like King, did a fairly good job, and frightened RINO's like John Boehner. But as Ken61 states, the sentiment is still strong, and that is evidenced by the recent mid-terms.

What King is really trying to say is that labeling is only counterproductive when he and his fellow Leftists are not the ones doing it. I think that's what rocky mtn bill was trying to say last night as well.

By the way, where'd you go rocky mtn bill? Are you just a one trick pony whose only trick is to eat taxpayer subsidized oats and then shit them out on the floor? You sure didn't earn that teacher's salary by displaying brilliance like you did last night.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.