Originally Posted By: GLS
Caveat emptor.

Gil, nice knock on a shotgun someone was trying to sell. Did you know that it had issues, or were you just denigrating someone anonymously, coward? Did you give the same advice to the folks who bought your house?

Originally Posted By: GLS
Damascus, wonderful clock and barometer. I have a mahagony wheel barometer made by Fagioli of Clerkenwell that is an old family heirloom. Movers tilted it and spilled mercury all over the floor. My hazmat procedure to remove traces after clean-up was to eventually sell the house. A buddy gave me a 5 lb. bottle of mercury that is somewhere in the attic. One day I'll get a "round toit" and fix it. Gil

Or is it just a funny joke to screw someone? Would you have us believe you haven't shown malice towards me? It's never too late to do the right thing, Mr. Perfect. Perfect hypocrite. As always, just my opinion.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.