Thanks for your opinion James. I'll consider it. I've personally been thankful that GLS has kept things going and kept the subject at the top of the page. I couldn't have done it without him.

By the way, you asked me a couple questions back on pg. 13 that helped to keep this thread running. I answered you with my comments and a question of my own for you. You didn't answer.

I must say, I myself was becoming a little bored with this discussion when it was getting taken off topic and turned into a discussion about semantics and the proper descriptive term for a Liberal Leftist. We never did reach a consensus. Thanks again for the link to the story about the Mao tse Tung ornament on the White House Christmas tree. More than anything, that symbolizes where we're headed as a nation... which was the original topic... if we are content to let it happen.

Merry Christmas to you too.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.