Dave K, I think your efforts are worthwhile and just. Especially seeing what members like Ed and some others have reduced this forum to over the past couple years.

Many good members have left or just stopped participating. Nearly no good guns are being offered in the for sale section anymore, or if there is, there is no one left to buy them.
And this damn misfires section gets nearly as much action as the main forums.

The issue here is double sided. One side is asshat members, the other side is lack of moderation and enforcement of rules.
This place is what Dave Webber wants it to be and what he makes it. If he decides to sit idle and let the forum swirl in the toilet, then so be it.

One could fight for Ed to get banned for good or one could leave here and go to other places that He has already been banned from so they don't have to deal with him again. Then this board can really be just a bunch of idiots fighting with each other and die for good.
