Originally Posted By: Tim Cartmell

According to Wieland in Spanish Best, it was Victor Sarasqueta that founded his business in 1883, not 1904, and was considered the first dominant name gunmaking company in Spain. Victor Sarasqueta was appointed Gunmaker to the King in 1902; so 1904 doesn't add up for his business start up.



I like Wieland’s “Spanish Best” and recommend it, with two caveats, to anyone with an interest in Spanish shotguns. One caveat is “Spanish Best” represents only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Spanish shotguns. For every maker Wieland mentions there are at least five more that he does not. The second caveat is “Spanish Best” contains many errors.

To illustrate this last point Wieland writes:

“The modern standard is the bar-action sidelock. I have never seen a back-action sidelock on a Spanish shotgun. “
Terry Wieland. Spanish Best (p. 112). Kindle Edition.

Wieland includes photos of two back action shotgun locks in “Spanish Best”, one on page 161and another on page 171.

The early years of Victor Sarasqueta’s involvement in the guns making business is another place Wieland falls down. While Victor Sarasqueta was involved in making shotguns in Spain as early as 1888 (having graduated from the gun making school in 1887), and was a joint owner of a gun making company as early as 1899, he did not open his own business until 1904.

Wieland has Victor Sarasqueta opening his own business years before he even graduated from gun making school.

Read and enjoy “Spanish Best”, but don’t take anything you may find in it as holy writ.