
I'll post one once my tablet recharges. No hurry on the pistol. Make sure you're done with it before you send it back.


Now is the time to get another dog. Find one that needs a Home. I'm sure there's plenty out there. One of my best dogs was a cross of Brittany and Springer Spaniels. You should have no qualms about getting a mature dog, they've always worked out for me.

Since my Setter is seven, I'm on the lookout for another pointing dog that needs a home. Maybe even a Springer, then I'd be set up like the Brits, with one dog for pointing and another for retrieving. A one or two year old would be great, as far as training. I always overlapped my Springers that way, it worked out well.

Last edited by Ken61; 05/12/15 11:22 AM.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.