Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
jOe, I don't see it that simply. Slavery was an evil institution, not just as viewed from our modern day sensibilities,but evil in itself. There are still repercussions of that institution borne by the black race today.

No one in the South today has ever owned a slave, and no black man in America today has ever been a slave. No one anywhere in America that I am aware of would defend the institution today. No one anywhere owns slaves anymore with the possible exception of thug pimps or Arab sheikhs.

Geo, you're forgetting a couple important points. First off, let's not forget that it was mainly African blacks who captured other blacks and sold them into slavery here and in other parts of the world. And there were free blacks in the United States who were owners of black slaves. (reference, pg.454, "A History of the American People", Carmen Syrett, and Wishy. But all of the blame falls upon whites, and as you have told us, Southern white men are piled upon even more so. I'm pretty sick of it, and it must be even more sickening to you knowing that your great granddaddy did not own Tara.

Then there is this: http://www.polarisproject.org/

According to sources like this, there are more human slaves in the world now than at any other time in history. The number is now estimated to be 20.9 million people. Human trafficking, particularly in the sex trade is even prevalent in the United States, and a good percentage of the people enslaving others are black pimps who use threats, violent coercion, and addictive drugs to enslave other humans. King Brown has been too mired down in what happened in Alabama 60 years ago to even acknowledge this.

Ed Good is lucky. No one would want him as a slave because he isn't smart enough to pick cotton.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.