Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
No, I do not know the answer to that question Keith but neither would be an enforceable servitude under the law...Geo

Exactly! So perhaps we white folks should be getting some kinds of Affirmative Actions or other freebies or reparations because of the number of white girls who have been forced into prostitution by black pimps.

It's happening today, as we speak. But Libtards like King Brown would rather blame us for what happened 60, or even over 150 years ago. It's not apologia, as King posted earlier. That was another of his many lies. It is a fact that does not mesh well with his Liberal Left agenda. I don't have any white guilt at all. But I have been taxed many thousands of dollars over my working life because Liberal idiots think I should be punished for something that neither I nor my ancestors did. I would be happier if that money was used to buy a one-way ticket back to Africa for any black who feels entitled to my earnings because of slavery that happened over 150 years ago.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.