OK, here's a question. The South Carolina shooter who wore a Confederate flag was in the minority, but because he displayed that flag, it automatically becomes a symbol of hatred and racism that must be abolished.

So even though they are also a small minority... since there have been a tiny number of cops who were racists and who unjustly killed, beat, or falsely arrested blacks and other minorities while wearing a U.S. flag on their uniform, would Southerners be equally justified in demanding that the U.S Flag be removed from State and Federal property? Could Japanese descendents of those Japanese held in interment camps during WWII also claim that the stars and stripes is a symbol of hatred and racism?

I shouldn't give people ideas. The way we're headed, the U.S, flag will probably be replaced by the Faggot Flag within a few election cycles.

I wonder what percentage of Confederate soldiers who fought and died actually were connected to, or profited from, slavery. I'd guess is was a very small minority.

Anyone notice certain so-called Libertarians who feel that abortion and Bruce Jenner changing sex is nobody's business remain totally silent about a majority of Southerner's desire to keep displaying the flag of their heritage?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.