Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Would you like me to send you a pair of my underwear that I've hunted in a couple days so you can sniff the SCOTUS area ?

jOe keep your panties on. I know you have a crush on me but I like women. I don't want to date you. You are the wrong sex.

And before you ask, no. If you have a sex change operation I will still find you unattractive.

But you better be careful. If fRank finds out you been mailing out your panties trying to get a new boyfriend he will whomp you like a red headed step child, again.

I know you are jealous of sNugUms but fRank will eventually tire of him and return to the bed of his original Deliverance Piggy. You'll be squealing his name again in no time.


I am glad to be here.