You write similar to how Brooks does in the column. Give me a little credit, I tried to take a look, but c'mon Bill, it all started with Rush? Speaking of delusions, why would you place so much importance on something that stirs your feelings. This is about the future of the nation, right?

I hope you're able to check back in here instead of drive by delusion folks, maybe tomorrow after the dem debate tonight. Your only political issue preference that you've been able to be somewhat specific about has been the loss of hunting access on fed land.

We have hill that the polls say only the most radical left wing base, such as yourself, still trusts. Then there's sanders, a self proclaimed socialist who has never said the collective should be entitled to gun rights let alone hunting. We also have a non invitee, biden, who clearly used the death of his son to see which way the wind is blowing.

After we get a chance to watch tonight, would you revisit here and explain what each will do for your access to lost hunting land, or any other issue that they will correct a wrong. Feel free to extrapolate, or dig up quotes, on how biden would handle similar.