Well, well, well. There's an interesting response from rocky mtn transplant Bill Ferguson who once again told us an outright lie.

But you told us that you don't lie Bill. And you told us you are only human and sometimes make mistakes. But your little "mistakes" always seem to be identical to NEA and DNC lies and talking points, and you are always unable to provide any proof. Most importantly, you refuse to admit or retract those "mistakes" and "human errors". What does that say about you, your spine, and your integrity?

You told us that Bush manipulated the intelligence that caused many leading Democrats to support taking out Saddam. Bill and Hillary Clinton supported it. John Kerry supported it. Very many Democrat Senators and Congressmen supported it. 86% of the American public supported it.

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Canvasback, yes he had the support, but he got it by fudging the intelligence. I sat a pox on every congressional member who supported him, including Hillary. She has long since admitted she was dead wrong there. Conspicuously absent from the list of supporters there is BO. He got that one right.

Now you are telling us that Bush was exactly like you... that he pulled facts out of thin air to support his position. But once again, you have zero proof, this time of something that would be an impeachable offense.

Since you claim evidence is all over the landscape, it should be very easy for you to provide some. What's the problem?

Why do I keep demanding evidence Bill? Simply to illustrate who and what you really are. Who knows Bill. Maybe I will be able to go to the Las Vegas Antique Arms Show this year, and you can call me an A**hole to my face.

How's your blood pressure liar? Oh sorry, I forgot... if an obvious liar says he is not a liar, then we should all pretend we don't see his lies. King Brown Rules of Faux Civility.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.