Little King has a little brain, and an agenda driven brain at that James.

I personally think that has a lot to do with his exit or ejection from journalism. Too bad he wasn't entering into that career today, because agenda driven journalistic inaccuracies are more tolerated today... at least until they become a total embarrassment. Then the lying Liberal reporters get a slap on the wrist and a leave of absence. It is not surprising that little King was the only one here who made excuses for Lyin' Brian Williams.

I have said many times that some of the intelligence that led Republicans and Democrats alike to support the Iraq war turned out to be wrong. Some of it, including the existence of WMD turned out to be correct. We have discussed in the past the Polish Army's discovery of artillery shells loaded with cyclosarin which was reported in the Wall Street Journal. Little King and dishonest dunce Billy Ferguson will deny the widely reported injuries and illnesses contracted by soldiers who were exposed to stockpiles of chemicals used in weapons. Little King and dim bulb Billy choose to ignore the link Dave K provided earlier in this thread:

The State Department and other U.S. government officials have revealed that ISIS now occupies the Al Muthanna Chemicals Weapons Complex which was Saddam's primary chemical complex located 50 miles from Baghdad.

Little King is still apparently clinging to the lie that either Bush or Tony Blair "fudged intelligence", or he is using his weasel words and "craft of journalism" in a dishonest attempt to convey that notion. But neither lyin' King or brainless Billy have provided a shred of evidence. Even two Libtards working together repeating a lie will not make it true.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.