Well rocky mtn transplant bill, it appears you have dug in your high heels and intend to stick to your lies and bullshit.

JC Hannum beat me to the punch in correcting you on the reason, or lack thereof, for the Scooter Libby conviction. You could have known it too if you weren't content to just go off half-cocked with your DNC bullshit talking points. I don't expect that you will ever change even though you leave a trail of false and asinine assertions every time you breathlessly post something here.

Don't come here piously proclaiming to us that you dislike Democrat lies. You yourself help spread them. You still haven't shown us your proof that Bush manipulated or "fudged" intelligence that led to war in Iraq in any way. You can't admit that you don't have any and can't find any. You and King Brown are little more than human manure spreaders. At least you don't post anti-gun rhetoric like King does... you just support and defend Liberal Left Democrat anti-gun politicians.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.