Too bad that King's smoking gun was not found in George Bush's hand as he and rocky mtn transplant bill asserted, eh craig? Even waiting patiently for a Democrat controlled Senate Intelligence Committee didn't give King, Billy, and other Libtards what they wanted... proof that "Bush lied and soldiers died."

Just think, Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress about a sexual dalliance with Monica... but this Democrat controlled partisan Senate Intelligence Committee could not be bothered to pursue impeachment for Bush for allegedly leading us into a multi-trillion dollar conflict that led to thousands of American soldiers being killed or wounded. How could King support politicians who are so guilty of corrupt misfeasance?

Maybe because King is once again trying to pass off Liberal Left bullshit as fact. Repeating a lie often enough only makes it become true when people are foolish enough to let it happen. Keep flailing King.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.