I bought a new 311, 20 gauge in 1963 or 1964. Saved big time for it. $60 or so if I remember correctly. Was a quantum leap over my first shotgun a Mossberg 185K bolt action. Shot it for years on quail, phez and ducks. I, of course, thought it magic if I shot a 3" shell in it. Never shot more than a few (less than a box which I still have). Good little gun, especially for a newbie! Finally sold it to a friend for his son. However, it did develop ring bulges in both barrels about a half inch behind the muzzles. How and why this happened is a mystery to me as this was way before steel shot was ever thought of and other than a few ~15 three inchers through it all loads were 7/8 or 1 ounce lead field loads. No, it was not due to barrel obstructions, Dunno. Great little inexpensive shotgun.