Originally Posted By: Dave in Maine

There's a theory out there that goes something like this: there has been a noticeable decrease in the rates of violence pretty much across the world, a decline going back to the 80s. There does not seem to be any statistically valid correlation to age distributions in populations, wealth distribution, harsher prison sentences, more lenient prison sentences, drug policy or anything else. Except the banning of lead from gasoline, which resulted in an immediate decline in atmospheric lead levels and which does seem to correlate pretty directly to the decline in violence.
Of course, this is "new" scientific theory and has to be tested.
But it also means that particulate lead - i.e., projectiles from sporting arms - is also pretty much out of the equation.
But not to worry, that just means the antis will come out with some other reason to ban hunting.

Might ought to tell Isis about this new and stupid theory....