Originally Posted By: L. Brown
....Our problem in that part of the country, obviously not related to condors, didn't have anything to do with either cattle or gut piles. Rather, with wounded and unrecovered deer. That's where the eagles were picking up the lead fragments....

Repeated quite regularly. Is the only route of lead poisoning rifle bullet fragments from unrecovered game? In Wisconsin, is there a chance that the majority of Bald eagles have migrated due to seasonal cooling by the time gun deer season starts? Wisconsin's gun deer hunting season is relatively short, are eagles free of exposure to lead the remaining eleven plus months of the year? Is lead poisoning from fragments the cause of death, or is there the coincidental presence of an occasional rifle bullet fragment, but undisclosed cause of death?

Since you have concluded that the cause of death of Bald eagles is lead poisoning specifically from ingested rifle bullet fragments, how come conclusions can't be questioned?