Originally Posted By: L. Brown
....Craig, please try to avoid going totally off the rails on me. First . . . the abstract you posted is NOT "beef". Beef would relate to waterfowl....

....It shows pretty much what I expected it would show: Due to a much higher concentration of shot fall than you would expect on this side of the pond in typical wild pheasant hunting scenarios, there's a much greater likelihood that pheasants would ingest lead shot on shooting estates in the UK. So I'm agreeing with what the abstract tells us....

....I should think they'd find the occasional dead pheasant, if there are any lying about that have died from lead poisoning. But the abstract does not address that issue....

....And what does the bone lead level in pheasants have to do with anything . . . unless we're finding pheasants that are sick or dead from lead poisoning? NO study I'm aware of says that lead poisoning is killing pheasants as it did waterfowl....

....Slimy tactic, that....

....You and Keith have a real problem understanding the task you've set for yourself. I'm not interested in proving anything about ducks....

....Those who deny evolution don't just say it's bunk. They also come up with opposing theories, like intelligent design. Up to you to either construct a cogent opposing theory yourself....

....As for your conspiratorial side . . . a couple problems with your suggestions about duck numbers and why they increased: 1. DDT was banned almost 20 years before the lead shot ban went into effect. 2. CRP went into effect in 1985. By 1987, we'd already seen the pheasant population in Iowa double as a result. Why didn't similar increases in waterfowl numbers show up that quickly....

Larry, you're going off the rails with your slimy tactics, okay, got that out of the way.

I honestly fail to understand why you play word games with your own words, but I think it's a slimy tactic. I repeat, you've regularly been putting words in my mouth and pretending to approach from a position of authority based on wordiness.

You asked, I want to see a study about pheasant ingesting lead shot in the uplands. You said, I think the shooting estates of Great Britain are a good example. You said, the shooting estates of Great Britain are akin to our hunting.

Why do you now repeat that the only beef you asked for has been about waterfowl? It just isn't true. You asked about pheasant in the uplands ingesting lead shot. I asked you not to commingle the topics, but you don't have to comply, nor understand the request, Again, you have used the slimy tactic of commingling unrelated topics.

Tim (tw) had a great post. Not because you buddied up to him and agreed that some obscure study said we did blood tests. The value of his post show where this heads. Who cares about blood tests. Haven't you repeatedly said, all that matters is the appearance of whether something looks sick or not and if it might have died from the speculation.

Ask the parents in Flint if they'll take an all clear because most of the kids don't look sick. Ask how those high bone levels of lead got there, not well heck I don't think the gamekeepers have found any dead pheasants off season. You are the one that says British estates are akin to upland hunting in the US unless you are softening that position or back peddling. Are you a politician.

Let me switch off your narrow request for a study, beef, on pheasant ingestion of lead shot for a moment again. I think it's pretty common knowledge that allowing wetlands to return or restoring them takes much more time than upland cover takes to come back. So, I'll apply some of your logic and recommend to you that the lag between significant CRP implementation and other duck habitat restoration and numbers rebound is about as expected compared to upland birds.

Also, if you'd take a moment to check, DDT was used commonly into the early steel shot era under the brand name of Kelthane, some of the farmers here may remember it, I used some myself. The current runoff is thought to be safer and friendlier to humans and the environment. There are late 80's studies about increases in DDT detection well after the ban that you tout. When was that full steel shot ban, around '91?

I think it's a slimy tactic to keep repeating the same thind over and over.