We are not talking BS metaphysics here, we are talking about folks that are suppose to use the "Scientific Method".

I find this to be much like junk law. You know where in decisions are reached in a court of law based on a previous bad decision?

Bad science, that now, has a record as being passable due to the test of time.

Has Brent given us the data from tests he has personally run?

Where was the other people doing these test from say DU?

In the same areas from birds from the same flyways.

Brent, you don't have to worry about the future of waterfowl hunting in America. It's nearly dead. At 3.50 per shell plus the costs of stamps, gear. It is just about dead.

That by the way is what every state in the Union, that has waterfowl has been reporting for years, a continual decline.

Of course we can fly south and shoot without limits and use lead.

It has become a sport for the rich. Are we proud yet?