Lead has seen a 600% increase in four years. How many of our stocks have done as well? Funny thing is that I bought two pallets of lead several years ago back when it was in the $10-11.00/ bag price range. Figured that my two sons where about to start shooting high volume of skeet or trap targets and might as well buy it while I had the money. My wife of course knew that my mental condition was in steep decline. Most likely because of lead levels.

Brent, Please do not take this wrong, but you need to understand how studies really work. First you need a hypothsis. Then you need to design a means to test the hypothsis and gather data. Then you need a source of funding. He who funds the study gets to almost dictate what the final outcome will be in the study. Write a few hundred proposal for studies and you will find this out. After you get the money you do the study. If your results do not come out as you expect you do not publish if they agree with your hypothsis you submit your study for review. If your study is a valid study it is peer reviewed. If the peer review does not like your results, your hypothsis, how you data was collected or even who funded your study they will not aprove it. Then to get your study published you either have to pay to have it published or alter your results to get it peer approved.

I spent several decades doing this. I know what I am telling you. My wife was an epidemoligist before I sent her to medical school. She can take a set of data and make it tell you anything that you want to hear or tell you how to run it, the study, again to get the "correct" data. Further, for a study to be valid it has to be easily repeated by others who get the same results. Single studies are worse than suspect. Studies that cite only their own pervious studies are bogous. If it is real, others will test and confirm the study.

There are subjects which are absolutley impossible to study these days. Let me give you an example. You will never see a study to see if ethnic genetic make up has any effect on intelegence. This is an absolute untouchable subject to test. Not only can you not get any funding to test it, all governing bodies that review will gut your results in a second. You will never see a valid study to confirm one race is smarter than another. Might be funny if we did the study and found out that Asians were number one. But it will never happen.

A soon to be undesputable subject, or one that has already become one, is global warming and the certain fact that green house gasses are the cause, i.e. the SUVs and man are the problem. If that is so can anyone tell me why the mean tempature of Mars is up just as much as Earths is? Last I looked martians had no suvs. No study to date has taken into account the effects of the Sun and Solar wind. That is until a Swedish study did and their results are very interesting and hard to dismiss. 40 years ago the same global warminging expert were looking at the same data set and warning of global cooling.

When others dispute the effects of lead and you site studies you need to be a little more careful. Those studies were not run by virgins with wide open eyes and no concept of what they might find. More Eagles were killed by DDT than ever were killed by lead shot. In fact that last Eagle I saw on one of my farms was eating a dead Prudue chicken from cleaninng out the chicken house. Please do not site any Eagle killed by dead chicken studies. Uncle Frank would spin in his grave.