Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Drew Hause has consolidated, archived, and made available for free and open use more primary research information for lovers of double guns, than all of his detractors combined.

His departure is a catastrophic blow to this venue.

+1 Virtually every step of my gun and doublegun journey, as someone with no prior exposure to the hobby, has involved Dr. Drew in some fashion. Starting with my first gun, shotgun and double, an LC Smith, a few years ago. Since that time, I have owned and safely operated an additional 3 damascus barreled British side by sides (including a hammer gun) as well as a couple of more garden variety over unders. Almost all of my doublegun knowledge has come from the enthusiasts like Drew who are willing to selflessly pass on their collected learnings to a younger generation.

Very sorry to see him go.

Last edited by Dan S. W.; 09/20/16 08:22 PM.