Another set of lies about what happened during our trading of insults transgender coward Chris. I have never once posted any pics from your Photobucket account. I did in fact insult you personally, but did not lower myself to posting filthy things about your family... as you did... and then went on to tell us, twice, that you were glad you did it.

No one suggested that King would do what you did. Where did that come from? Oh, I know. It came from the same demented and diseased mind that can't keep simple facts straight, and also dishonestly accuses me of cheating people on gun purchases, and makes wild assed claims about threats I allegedly made. I clearly said that King would be enraged if any Conservative had said the same filthy things about his daughters as you said about mine. Don't twist my words. Twisting my words is King's job.

Now how about showing us that picture of your dog in a post I made... and your proof that I ever cheated anyone on the purchase of multiple Lefevers... and that personal threat which you claim I PM'd to you, as if I would be that stupid. Or were those just more of your lies? Your ghost writer is nearly as dumb as you are.

Oh, and since you are now going to manufacture QUOTES, please provide the post number and date so we can verify what you claim, faggot coward.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.