I have a couple of "standard" loads for several of my SxS guns all reloaded duplicates of factory shells. B&P & RST mostly. Patterning them I use a 12 inch circle drawn on construction paper. Pattern both barrels at expected distances. Spreaders 10 20 and 30 yards. 7/8 loads 20 30 & 40 sometimes add a 50 yard pattern.

It tells me 30 is too far for my spreader loads and 50 is to far 7/8 oz. Other distances gives me confidence that gun/load will break a clay target if I am on the bird. Don't think I would gain much confidence interpolation off a single distance.

Using a larger paper & circle may be better for load development. All I am doing is gaining confidence in the combination and not worried about percentages compared to published standards

Stan I have used our clubs steel plate at longer distances and like you found its a confidence looser.


Last edited by Boats; 03/05/17 07:45 AM.