Originally Posted By: King Brown
Germany is the moral and muscle of Europe today. It was the last country under an authoritarian thug to try to rid the world of a religious faith by gas, garrotting, meat hooks, executions and buried alive.

King, I often disagree with you but always admire your voice of calm reason. However, to call Germany Europe's moral authority is bizarre, not reasonable, especially from someone who remembers the 1940's. As Tom Lehrer sang, "We taught them a lesson in 1918 and they have hardly bothered us since then".

Germans will always be Germans, with their arrogance and their overweening certainty of the ubervolks' superiority. Their current lunatic leader may have invited the entire Muslim world to invade Europe, but the they will be back, with their gas, garrotes and meathooks. A rearming Germany's 'muscle' is far more frightening for the world than the jihadists and the Russians put together.