Joe, you might be as secretive about your favorite turkey spots as we were about their favorite quail spot. That is when we still had quail. I knew fellows who would park with their trucks out of sight so others did not see where they hunted. Fellows tried to protect their go to spots.

The hull dumps were a disinformation just like a fisherman who tells someone he caught all these fish one creek over from where he did. Often you knew who was trying to poach your favorite spots. And quail hunters will tell you that just because your dog does not find quail here today does not mean they are not around. Just smarter than your dog or you. I've seen quail fly a hundred yards out of the wood into a feeding area and then fly directly back. A dog has almost no chance of ever finding that covey. But if they are feeding, when you come along, you can locate them and shoot them. That's just dumb luck and timing. The hull dumps just give people an idea that quail have been here before and might come back so best to check them.

I made the mistake of taking a fellow hunting who I later found out had a nasty habit of returning later, back to the same spots we had hunted. Blood sucking poacher is what I call that fellow. He made the mistake of returning to a farm I did not own but did have permission to hunt. The lady who owned the farm found his truck and cut all four valve stems out of his tires. She often did this to trespassers, even did this once to the Game Warden not in a state vechile. She was a tough old lady who took nothing from anybody. Hard as nails. I doubt he ever hunted on her land again.