Elitism is part of all avocations, crafts and professions. There's more than one way to consider it. Google defines elitism as dominant in a system or society and OED, which I use, defines elite as the choice part, the best of.

You see it in a negative sense as not needed in the hunting fraternity. I agree, and I consider myself as part of an elite in my craft and fraternity because of what I bring to it as a leader; Not as dominant but in a practical sense for a common purpose.

I've lost three birds in the last 51 years, none my dog's fault. I've suffered your examples of egos with poorly trained dogs. I'm enraged by the waste from a majority of waterfowlers. Exaggerated ego doesn't drive me.

I've seen many hunters mark falls of dead birds in thick cover but not one who could say accurately where a cripple went after falling in marsh of cattails and tules. I'm a minority dedicated to bringing home what we shoot.

If that's elitist, I'll wear it proudly.