Thanks all. I experimented with several adhesvies and found 3M 77 the easiest to use. Holds well and gave me time to adjust before it swt up. I learned the hard way to over measure and then cut to size when the adhesive dried thoroughly. This case from Holts was beat up and out of square, but it looks passable with new stitching and baise. I lined the interior with 1/4 oak, lightly stained, to help reinforce the original wood, spruce or popular, cut a channel for the biase, and glued, nailed with braids, to the sides. looks nice, although it reduced the interior dimension, but this will be refit for a 20 hammer gun, so there is sufficinet room. I realize now why new cases are so expensive, this is labor intensive work. must have patience and can not be in a rush. i good learning experience for an inpatient New Yorker.

Thanks for all the advise.

ps I found billard cloth at Blats billiards in NYC, 40.00 per yard, Simonis, 70.00 per.

Last edited by susjwp; 01/11/19 09:50 AM. Reason: spelling