John, thanks for your thoughtful reply. Well really, it appears you weren't thinking again because the gist of my reply to Billy was to tell him his anti-gun Liberal Left Socialist bullshit isn't appreciated in the main double gun forum.

But we don't see you lecturing him about his off-topic Socialist drivel. You aren't the least bit worried about the conservative gun guys who have left this forum because of FUDD's like Billy. I wonder why???

Of course, Billy always tried to hide it from his custom rifle buddies. He knows many of them own and shoot the semi-automatics , handguns, and types of guns that he would gladly sacrifice to his Liberal Democrat gods in order to maintain his liberal school teacher's retirement lifestyle. That's why he avoided posting his trash, and crap, and disdain for pro-gun politicians in this sub-forum.

Thanks again for your comments. They mean nothing to me when we have guys in our midst who vote and work to undermine our gun rights.