Originally Posted By: Stan
I have couple of Bell's books, but don't remember him mentioning ejectors. Doesn't mean it's not in there, tho'. Been a long time since I read them. He killed a lot of elephants with a bolt action rifle as I recall. An ejector's "click" certainly is not as noisy as the sound of a bolt gun opening and closing.

I'd like to hear several PHs opinions on the subject. What I don't know about it would fill volumes.


Like Stan, I'm no expert on dangerous game guns. But the book "Bell of Africa" states that his preference was for rifles ranging from .256 to .318 caliber--for elephants! (Ruark might have said he wasn't using enough gun, but for Bell it seemed to do the job.) In India, Corbett used a bolt action of similar caliber on most of the tigers he shot, although he did have a double rifle that he used when in situations where he was expecting to have to make a quick shot at close range.