Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern

Good as you're gonna get in a restaurant, courtesy of 67galaxie at his new steakhouse here "Jack's Chophouse". Only one might have an edge on this is Gil and Billy's camp made low country boil at the farm...geo

George, at hunt camp, hardtack and boiled shoe tongue would be good after hunting all day. But lowcountry boil is mighty good. Which reminds me of a joke another old friend told me close to 50 years ago: A group of men had been hunting in the north woods for decades and tradition was that camp chores were decided by drawing straws. Jeff was anointed camp chef, a grinding chore which was his until someone complained about the food. The complainer became the chef. He was sick of the chore and baked a pie consisting of a moose turd he found near the camp. Rick was chowing down on a slice and his face had a look of disgust. Finally he recognized it for what it was : "Moose turd pie?? But good!"