Yum, pecan pie. Trees can be a connection to our past and our future. Honestly at my age few trees will grow big enough that Ill ever see them harvested. But I planted 300 cedar trees on two of my farms because they make great Dove roost and nesting habitat. My sons and I have planted almost 50 walnut trees which we rarely even get a nut from. Besides picking out black walnuts is not a favorite pastime of mine. I even planted a couple Filbert trees because we had them on our farm when I was a boy.

The business side tells me to plant pine trees because they grow so quickly Id most likely still see one harvest in my lifetime. The leave it in better shape for the next generation part of me tells me to plant trees for wildlife and family to enjoy. But if I get a couple pecan pies out of it Ill be happy. And maybe a smiling grandson.