Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Twenty million Americans now have health insurance under Obamacare. Who's full of shit? Keep reading the National Enquirer. It's all the information you're capable of grasping.

Bill, are you trying to lobby us for single payer 'ocare' for all with your charm? On a side note, it's extremely offensive that you want to limit lowest common denominator 'ocare' to just Americans.

Asked before Bill, have you stepped foot in one of your public health clinics? Okay, so you don't want to go and look for yourself. Maybe, you could ask someone who works at one, how the patrons express their appreciation for free stuff. But hey, we've gone over this before, and your comeback is generic talking points and grade school attempts at bullying, eh?

You make sure sure you vote yes when legal recreational pot comes up on your ballot, then you take a minute to inquire about what the main problems mental health workers face when dealing with your high schoolers. Okay, Bill?