Originally Posted By: nca225
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
....The problem is that the dad's take on the matter is what I am afraid has become the majority opinion in the country. I don't like what I see in the future, but like King, I'm old anyway...Geo

Sorry for the rant.

Case in point as to why the approach shouldn’t be what kind of firearm one can possess, but rather who should be able to possess a firearm. Dad should be disabused of his guns as well. Who knows what prohibited person he is going to “ help out” next.

Geo has an interesting story, but are you trying to say that the left wing anti gunners that you want us to vote for are gun owning enthusiast with drug addicted kids? The people who want to drive policy are hypocritical non gunners, who believe a few of them should be able to dictate to all law abiding citizens. I certainly would not want someone like you to arbitrarily decide who gets to own a gun.