I am familiar with the /whiskey Rebellion on Pennsylvania. It occurred while George Washington was President. The situation was totally out of hand, innocent people were being murdered. Local Law enfor cement simply did not have the manpower to control things, so Washington used this clause in the constitution to "Legally"send in back-up.

The situation in Charleston was in no way related to that in Penn. Everything which occurred in Charleston was on South Carolina soil, a part of the CSA & not the USA. The Constitution gave Lincoln ABSOLUTELY NO authority to send troops outside the USA. Immediately after Fort Sumter Lincoln called upon the States to provide 75,000 armed troops to "Invade the South". Yes I am well aware he used the term "Put Down the Rebellion" Be Honest, he did not need armed men to put down the rebellion IF they stayed on USA soil, did he??

Bottom line is the CSA did not start the War, it was ole Abe's War all the way.

For a major portion of my life I felt exactly as you have stated. After all that was what I had been taught in School from the history books. Then One Day I came upon some info that didn't quite seem to match what I had been taught, don't recalll now kust what it was. This led me to begin searching for any bits & pieces of info I could find on this era.The more I dug the more I came to realize just how much we have been lied to over all these years. I then learned of the Sons of Confederate & that I would qualify so sought out a camp to join. You see they did not brainwash me into beconibg a member, I sought them out. I am currently serving as Cam commander of the B F Cheatham, Camp 72, Starnes' Division of the TN SCV. I stronglyurge anyone who has confederate ancestors to seek out an //scv cqmp & jjoin, then take an active role in it.


I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra