Eddie, eddie- how can you be so dense. Our British friend Lord Thruxton means, what the late Ernest Miller Hemingway once said in re: a similar scenario-- "Upstick-Asswise".. Killing animals and birds is part and parcel of the American history- for food, for sport, for survival, and for fun (in my case).

Nothing "makes my day" then when I swing a 12 bore tightly choked M12 Winchester through a high incoming: (1) barn pigeon, (2) crow, (3) mallard, (4) Canada goose-- touch the trigger with the Limey mantra of Bum, Belly, Beak and then BANG-- and see the feathers explode like a pillow with a frag grenade in the "belly" and the pin pulled. I call that-- a pillowcase shot--

Of course, you normally get more of the feathers from impact on pigeons and crows- but as the late, great gunning writer from Dixie once wrote in "The Dove"-- "You've had about all the thrills shot-gunnery can offer when you see a dove well lead in flight, crumple in the air at your shot". Doesn't get any better than that--Keep shootin' your clays games, and trying to "schlep" your used gun, none of that gets in my way-- RWTF

Last edited by Run With The Fox; 09/13/19 03:07 PM.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..