An enumeration of the doubleguns on your dealer's rack and their asking price might help us decide. I have a dozen doubleguns and they are fine for the price but not "fine doubles" in anybody's estimation. And then there's the alleged Pahka conspiracy--all the good ones are somehow legacies from the closet of one dead man to the closet of the next. In which case, if such a mechanism existed and was generalizable, many erstwhile collectors would over time "appear" to become more selective because unimpressed by the culls available. On the other hand, boomer money has chased everything else thru the four seasons of man and no reason why a good deal of it wouldn't be diverted into this particular collecting hobby. So the bucks should be there and if they're suddenly being withheld, must have something to do with insecurity and pessimism--or maybe it is the dog days.
