I hunt mainly grouse and jump-shoot ducks with the same guns(but NOT the same shells). The SXS doubles I use seem to have lost bluing on the very edges of their ribs from "cutting the brush," otherwise they are in the condition I acquired them (none new). The shotguns I use for called coyotes and turkeys (also SXS doubles) don't get any noticeable wear. I keep my doubles in cases even in the safe, let alone in the truck.

In spite of many falls and crashes in ice and mud, I've never seriously hurt a gun (wish I could say the same for my sorry back). I once stepped off a cliff in a heavy fog in the Snake River brakes and remember thinking as I was bouncing off rocks and tree limbs that I hoped my LC Smith 16 wouldn't get dinged (it didn't). The only gun I've ever broken was slipping on ice while out for an "armed hike" two Februarys ago in the woods here in NY. Snapped the stock of my Win 37 .410 single right thru at the wrist (better than MY wrist....). So I screwed on another stock and counted my blessings.

I think more guns get damaged in and around the truck at the end of the day when people are tired than any other time--I've seen more guns hit the deck then than any other time. I suspect that's when most ADs happen, too.