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Posted By: Coryreb Bo Whoop to be donated to Ducks Unlimited - 04/12/10 04:57 PM
Not sure if this has been posted before. . . .

Famous Buckingham gun to reside permanently at Ducks Unlimited [ go back ]

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – March 30, 2010 – No longer will "Bo Whoop Two," once owned by legendary outdoor writer Nash Buckingham, rest by itself on display at Ducks Unlimited's national headquarters in Memphis, Tenn. Its original counterpart, "Bo Whoop," Buckingham's prized 12-gauge HE Grade Super Fox shotgun, will be donated to DU by Hal B. Howard Jr. of Palm Beach, Fla., at DU's 73rd national convention in May in Dallas.

Howard, 84, a former vice president and New York office director for the investment firm T. Rowe Price, was the gun's highest bidder at a recent auction held by James D. Julia Inc. Howard's father, Hal B. Howard Sr., was Buckingham's close personal friend and hunting partner for more than 30 years. Howard Sr. was mentioned at least a dozen times in Buckingham's stories, more than any other individual.

Including the buyer's premium, Howard purchased the gun for $201,250. He wasted little time in contacting DU about his decision to donate the gun for permanent display alongside Bo Whoop Two, which currently resides at DU's national headquarters, courtesy of William B. Dunavant Jr.

"It is of high sentiment to me, and I thought of all the alternatives," Howard said. "I didn't want the gun to end up in Kansas City or somewhere else. It's tied so closely to Memphis and articulated by Nash in his books. It works out very well with DU there. Bo Whoop belongs in Memphis."

Long considered a treasure lost forever after Buckingham misplaced it in 1958, Bo Whoop resurfaced more than 50 years later amid stirring controversy over its authenticity. However, after strenuous background checking and tests, Julia's auction house stood behind the gun's credibility.

"We are extremely grateful to Mr. Howard for his generous donation of such a revered gun," said Randy Graves, DU's chief executive officer. "Nash Buckingham was one of the great waterfowlers and conservationists, and having both of his Bo Whoop guns on display at DU headquarters is an honor and a pleasure. We encourage everyone to visit our headquarters to see these treasures on display."
I bet DU would rather have the $201,250.00. I sure would.

Wow. Some donation.
Originally Posted By: CptCurl
I bet DU would rather have the $201,250.00. I sure would.


I would too, however DU has more money than God so it's no big deal to them.
Posted By: SDH-MT Re: Bo Whoop to be donated to Ducks Unlimited - 04/12/10 11:37 PM
I'm not up on all the high finance... could the purchase have been made with tax dollar buy-out bonus money? (smile)
Posted By: GregSY Re: Bo Whoop to be donated to Ducks Unlimited - 04/13/10 01:11 AM

Here's the thing....when you get to be 84 years old and have lots of money, you probably start to think about doing things that matter to you with it. Would DU rather have the money? Who cares what they would rather have. It's one of those situations where their desires don't even matter to anyone.
If he got the money from windows and orphans It's still his money and a great gesture.
Mr. Howard is to be applauded for his gesture as a memorial to Nash and his father. Bo Whoop is a national treasure and is rightfully placed where all who visit the DU Museum in Memphis can see it an enjoy it and dream about the days when waterfown would darken the skies as they passed over.

Just My Humble Opinion......George
Well stated George.
I agree. Well stated.
Thank God for folks like Mr. Howard who have a sense of the value of history and the kindness to share it with all.
I have been trying to locate Mr. Howard's address in Palm Beach, but cannot be sure of it. There is also a Hal B. Howard the THIRD, according to the white pages. If anyone knows his address there I would very much like to write him a letter, mostly to let him know how much the double gun community appreciates his most unselfish gesture.

Thanks, Stan
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