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Posted By: LeeS EPA considering banning lead bullets, shot, etc - 08/27/10 07:05 PM
EPA offically considering banning lead bullets, shot, sinkers ...
As usual, they are looking at a back-door aproach by banning the raw materials going into the manufacture since it is illegal to ban them outright.

See updated article and links HERE

There is a link for the "comment period".
They are currently looking at this here in Britain. It's just a back door way of environmental groups getting a ban on shooting in general by making it nigh on impossible to carry on. Oddly, and something they have no answer for, is that the big shooting estates in England where driven shooting has been going on for over 100 years and thousands and thousands of rounds are fired every year with most of the shot falling in fairly restricted areas there seems to be more wildlife present than on the areas actually managed for wildlife. If spent lead ingestion is a toxic problem then somebody is failing to tell the animals that they should be dying in their hundreds as a result of all that spent shot. Lagopus.....
The important thing to do here is get out and vote this November. It is imperative that we take back control of Congress at the very least this year and get positioned to oust the Kenyan who is currently occupying the White House in 2012. Unfortunately a great deal of potential damage has already be done to firearms owners long term with his two Supreme Court appointments.
Get out and vote but realize that the EPA is banned by law with fooling with ammo. Of course the administration only enforces the laws it wants to .
I believe they aren't trying to ban lead ammo, but have to review a petition to ban lead ammo. They have to review all petitions regardless of source. Please correct me if I am in error.
EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue
Thank God for the NRA ! Bobby
I think this should have read, OBAMA,POLOSI,REID, AND THE EPA are tyring to band ammo! Thank the NRA for helping the good guys and gals for this grand country
Originally Posted By: bbman3
Thank God for the NRA ! Bobby

Damn right Bobby, but millions of gun owners will still find an excuse to not join NRA. I don't care to hear those lame excuses. They should be ashamed.
Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: bbman3
Thank God for the NRA ! Bobby

Damn right Bobby, but millions of gun owners will still find an excuse to not join NRA. I don't care to hear those lame excuses. They should be ashamed.

They do indeed have their problems,like the possible support of Harry Reid (they have come to their senses-according to the email today and will NOT support him),but there is no other more powerful voice for gun owners in this country-none that can get results, and every gun owner should be a member !
How about tose who were supporting Obama last year who post on this board weighing in on this. If my memory serves me, those BHO supporters were telling us to nbot worry, how he wasnt gogin to do anything like this.

am I missing something or have they been silent as of late??
maybe they are ready for?:

Brian:This is just my opinion for whatevers it's worth.
The Dems and the Obama administration are just as anti gun as ever. Keep in mind that "Gun Control" is really "People Control" and that has been the goal of socialists since day one.
Why hasn't Obama pushed this?
*First off 60 Democrat Representatives wrote AG Holder a letter telling him in no uncertain terms that they would NOT support another "assault weapons ban". It cost Clinton control of Congress in 1994 resulting in the ouster of a lot of Democrats. Even Clinton who has had a lot of trouble with telling the truth admitted this was the case. Politicians especially lefties want to keep their cushy jobs.
*Obama may be ignorent but he's not stupid and knows he'd can't get another assault weapon ban through Congress so he hasn't tried it.
*To date he has concentrated on loading the Supreme Court with fellow socialists in hopes of directly attacking the 2nd Amendment. If he had one more vote the Heller vs Washington DC and McDonald vs Chicago decisions would have gone the other way and our rights evaporated along with them.
*Obama and his fellow socialists are just waiting for an opportune time so it's imperative to get out and vote this November so as not to give them one.
First look at the source. This is just another AOWM rumour. Take a deep breath
The Enviroment Fasicist's behind this proposed Lead ban are the same as pushed MTBE and Ethanol in gasoline, and the CFL light bulbs that contain Mercury.
Originally Posted By: italiansxs
Brian:This is just my opinion for whatevers it's worth.
The Dems and the Obama administration are just as anti gun as ever. Keep in mind that "Gun Control" is really "People Control" and that has been the goal of socialists since day one.
Why hasn't Obama pushed this?
*First off 60 Democrat Representatives wrote AG Holder a letter telling him in no uncertain terms that they would NOT support another "assault weapons ban". It cost Clinton control of Congress in 1994 resulting in the ouster of a lot of Democrats. Even Clinton who has had a lot of trouble with telling the truth admitted this was the case. Politicians especially lefties want to keep their cushy jobs.
*Obama may be ignorent but he's not stupid and knows he'd can't get another assault weapon ban through Congress so he hasn't tried it.
*To date he has concentrated on loading the Supreme Court with fellow socialists in hopes of directly attacking the 2nd Amendment. If he had one more vote the Heller vs Washington DC and McDonald vs Chicago decisions would have gone the other way and our rights evaporated along with them.
*Obama and his fellow socialists are just waiting for an opportune time so it's imperative to get out and vote this November so as not to give them one.

Part of my point. But the Obamaphiles are in denial about that.

Wait till his second term. As a lame duck, we will see "scorch earth policy" with his marxist/socialist agenda.
Guns will take the big hit. He will have notgn to loose then and will call for sweeping draconian regualtions.
Originally Posted By: Gitano
First look at the source. This is just another AOWM rumour. Take a deep breath

1) What the hell is AOWM?

2) What the hell is "rumour"?

3) Sotomayor... Kagan... and he tells us to take a deep breath? Yes indeed Gitano, I will consider the source. And yours too.
No support for Obama here. That being said, the move to ban lead came in the form of a petition TO the EPA. It was not generated BY the EPA, nor BY the Obama administration. Whatever else Obama may be, he's a savvy politician, and he knows that the Blue Dog Dems in Congress do not want anything antigun to be in the works before this fall's elections.

Brian, with luck, there will be no Obama second term.
Thanks Keith,
I must say I was baffled by that AOWM and could not figure what the heck it was.

add to his anti gun list
Eric Holder,he opposes civilian carry,supports full handgun bans as well as banning of all semiauto rifles.He voted against
Roberts and Alito (who supported our second amendment rights in Heller and where both Bush appointees)!

We could go on and on.Obama,like those on here that support him are NO friend of gun ownersand thats NO rumor !!!!!
Originally Posted By: L. Brown
No support for Obama here. That being said, the move to ban lead came in the form of a petition TO the EPA. It was not generated BY the EPA, nor BY the Obama administration. Whatever else Obama may be, he's a savvy politician, and he knows that the Blue Dog Dems in Congress do not want anything antigun to be in the works before this fall's elections.

Brian, with luck, there will be no Obama second term.

I agree that the proposed lead ban was probably not generated by the EPA. But who controls the EPA? The Administrator of the EPA is an Obama appointee and I suspect the word came down from him or one of his flunkies to kill this petition for now.

I'm still wondering what "AOWM" is supposed to mean myself. Maybe it stands for Assault Only Weapons Magnate !! wink
It means "Angry Old White Male"
a derisive term coined by those who preach tolerance and diversity!!!

From the type that preach tolerance and diversity; that is if you hold the same opinion and or belief as them. Funny how those who preach tolerance and diversity label just as quickly if not quicker than anyone else.
AWOM stands for "Assholes Operating WhiteHouse Media"-- Obama is a charlatan, Eric Holder needs to be mugged while walking unguarded in our Nation's Capital at night- if he survives, he'll be the first one in line to get a Glock from a dealer in VA--Obama will be a "One Term Wonder" ooops- FUBARed that, meant to say "One Term Blunder"--
Originally Posted By: Brian
It means "Angry Old White Male"
a derisive term coined by those who preach tolerance and diversity!!!

Thanks Brian. I was kinda thinking white man for the WM part.

This no doubt comes from one of the petty hypocrites who preach about judging a man by the content of his character rather than the color of his skin.
EPA Denies Petition Calling
for Lead Ammunition Ban

CAMPAIGN GOES VIRAL; 'FIGHT IS FAR FROM OVER' . . . Following a strong grassroots campaign led by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has denied a petition calling for a ban on the production and distribution of traditional ammunition. Steve Owens, EPA assistant administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, issued the following statement on Friday, "EPA today denied a petition submitted by several outside groups for the agency to implement a ban on the production and distribution of lead hunting ammunition. EPA reached this decision because the agency does not have the legal authority to regulate this type of product under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) -- nor is the agency seeking such authority." Soon after NSSF's call to action was posted Wednesday at, it went viral. Hundreds of blogs and websites linked to it. More than 5,000 people shared it with friends on Facebook, and the message also spread across Twitter, forums and other sites. As a result, hunters and shooters across the country made their voices heard, submitting comments to the EPA and contacting their lawmakers. "This is a tremendous victory for all sportsmen, hunters and gun owners,” said NSSF President Steve Sanetti. “As the trade association for America's firearms and ammunition industry, NSSF is thankful to the tens of thousands who answered our call to action and made their voices heard. This victory belongs to them." Though this was a major victory, NSSF cautions all sportsmen that the fight to preserve and protect traditional ammunition from legislative, regulatory and judicial attack remains. “This fight is far from over," said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel. "In order to ensure that our right to choose the ammunition we hunt and shoot with continues, it is imperative that we stay vigilant."
Where you really need to stay vigilant is at the state level. There are already restrictions on lead for game other than waterfowl in some states. The feds were able to do it with waterfowl, because they have the authority to impose regulations on migratory birds. If it's going to happen on, for example, upland birds, it will come from your state game agencies--because they're the ones with the authority. A lot of us can recall a fairly recent move in Montana to restrict lead on all state public hunting areas. That was discussed here, at some length. Montana sportsmen spoke out, and it didn't happen. But we're going to see further efforts along the same lines. Keep a careful eye on what your state game people are doing.
IMO This petition would never had been submitted had the Administrator of the EPA been other than an Obama appointee. It is imperative that everyone who enjoys firearms ownership and hunting get out and vote this November. We need to set the stage for the Kenyans ouster in 2012.
While it looks like the EPA has rejected the Ammunition part of the petition. It sound to me that they are still considering
Banning lead sinkers and the use of lead in other fishing gear.
Am I missing something here? The EPA rejected the part of the petition concerning bullets due to lack of jurisdiction.
Do they have Jurisdiction over the sport fishing industry?
Their lack of jurisdiction over ammo is due to a specific exclusion in the Toxic Substances Control Act. They have jurisdiction over lead, just not over lead in ammunition.
Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Their lack of jurisdiction over ammo is due to a specific exclusion in the Toxic Substances Control Act. They have jurisdiction over lead, just not over lead in ammunition.

That is correct.

The EPA denied the petition regarding ammunition, but let stand the petition to ban lead in fishing tackle and has opened a short period for taking public comment.

I would encourage all lead lovers to make your public comment regarding fishing tackle here:;ctb=16355526
Recent articles in the U.K. sporting press record that; "some farmers are refusing to give permission for pigeon [A major pest in the U.K.] shooting on crops such as peas and laid cereal crops [ie:barley and wheat, laid flat by rain and wind] because some purchasors are refusing/reluctant to buy these crops due to concerns over potential liabilities in the event that the end consumer could ingest lead shot." One might expect that this approach,may be tried in certain areas of North America in order to justify a ban on lead shot.
I guess we need some grain farmer input here, but it seems to me pretty nearly impossible to end up with lead shot in harvested wheat. There's always stubble left, several inches off the ground, after wheat is harvested. And the lead's in the ground. Might as well worry because there would be dirt and every other possible kind of soil contaminant in the wheat, if you're going to worry about lead shot.
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