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Posted By: Condor Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 07:16 PM
I do have do have some issues which are in the last pictures .....all of a sudden all my photos are gone except the first.




Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 08:18 PM
I see your first ten pictures on my screen. The software limits us to ten pictures per post. I copied the addresses of your last four pictures and pasted them below:

Posted By: justin Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 08:35 PM
Condor,that's a beautifull Woodward action alright. Please shoot and post Picts of the barrels. I see a hidden third bite on the face what's it look like on the corresponding breech,and how do they joint up?
Posted By: Condor Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 08:51 PM
Thanks Justin,....i will get some other barrel pics...I had to use a cell phone on micro setting since I can not download quality pics on my Ipad.....the barrels say the usual on top but will get that picture....only thing I wonder about is the word in the Whitworth clause says "Pressed" not " compressed"...the only thing I see on the under barrels is that little crown and letter.....and the serial number....but I am still looking closely...also the Chambers seem very close to 2 3/4's....I am driving up to see Hutton tomorrow....the gun does not move when wiggled without the fore end on...seems very tight and no light when put to a view.....I actually like it more now after seeing mounts perfect for me, and it feels real good....after Hutton..I will Pattern at my Gun Club...Plymouth Rod and Gun.....hope to have a buddy with me with a cell phone ready to call 911.( wink) thank you Mike for posting those other pictures as I did not know about the limit
Posted By: justin Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 08:59 PM
Your phone takes excellent pictures;better than most. What I rally want you to look at is the hidden bite on the barrel breeches. So far it can't be seen.i just wanted to make sure it was there
Posted By: Condor Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 09:03 PM
Here it is.
Posted By: Daryl Hallquist Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 09:03 PM
It is really cool.
Posted By: justin Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 09:11 PM
Posted By: eightbore Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 09:17 PM
Wonderful gun. Do the bores still mic out at .729? That is the important thing. What is the configuration of the gun, light game or pigeon? The light proof indicates a game gun.
Posted By: Buzz Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 09:42 PM
Beautifully engraved.
Posted By: Condor Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/18/13 09:46 PM
I will ask that question of Hutton. I think it is a game gun and the replacement barrels remain at the usual 29 inches.I believe the stock to be original.

Posted By: Rocketman Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 02:47 AM
Oooopa!!! Condor, you have one of a very few JW extra finish guns. I kept thinking there was something about that serial number ----. I don't have a valuation system for OQ Extra Finish; there are too few and they are generally too unique to find comparables in most cases. I know there is a 16 bore, (I think) a pair, and a trio of JW - EF. The JW - EF follows the embellishment pattern of your gun. You have one of, maybe, seven.

Here is hoping you enjoy it.

Posted By: Small Bore Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 08:12 AM
The gun is similar to one I restored in May.

It came in from Africa in a bit of a state but finished off nicely. The engraving is very unusual for a Woodward, as Rocketman points out.
Posted By: Condor Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 12:49 PM
Thanks for that great information...I am happy with this gun. Dig, did you get a history on that restoration, are the barrels original? I notice it has side clips, mine does not. The screws are blued, but it looks like the same engraving. I am on my way to NH now. I will get barrel measurements and a once over. The chambers measure to 2 3/4 right flush to the end of the chamber...the recess for the casing is just short of 2 3/4. I wonder If Cabelas just took the info on the water table....Hutton will know...I would still shoot just 2 1/2 RST...but would like to know if it could take 1 or 3/4 once 2 3/4.... Just to know.
Posted By: John Can. Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 01:54 PM
This discussion was very interesting to me, I'm not really a collector in the common use of the word but understand the nuances of collecting eg. originality etc.
If I had that kind of cash, which is never likely, I would look at the cost more in this way, how much would you need to spend just to get that engraving and stock in this day and age? Strictly a guess but upwards of $30,000 depending who did the work.
IMHO the barrels are free and you got a bargain. Very nice gun which one should be proud to own and shot.
Anyhow just an old mans take on guns in general, embellishment such as engraving and nice stock wood can be very costly. FWIW --- John
Posted By: RCC Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 02:26 PM
I don't believe anyone buys a Woodward for 7k and expects it to be an investment piece. I think you bought just what you wanted, a shooter you will be proud to carry afield.

I think you did well. The fact that you came by an EF is a nice bonus. Congrats. I hope you fill many a game bag with her.

Like John, I found this thread to be of interest. Rocketman's contributions are especially educational.

It would be of interest also to know if Cabelas' "negotiated" the price with you. Not by how much, just if they did or not.
Posted By: Condor Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 08:24 PM
Thanks is the bottom line...I am keeping it...I just got back from Hutton and he gave it the oNce over....the gun or I should say the barrels were reproofed in 1970...the barrels measure to .30 and .29the bores are right on at .729..... He opened the lock and to me they were bueatiful..but he wanted to look at the wood inside and told me it was perfect, a little oil but confirmed the stock was original. He explained how the wood was carved for the locks...all at a minimal and efficient....the locks had the serial number and initial of an individual. Very tight...the wood appears well used but good and it has been around but the barrels are a great shooter. He will provide me more info and I will pattern it tomorrow. I agree with the posters ...nice shooting gun for me....and I could probably buy a nice Arrieta or AyA.....I will take this all I have to do is sell a Greener F40 and my Delgreggo Parker VH....not to break even but apply it to the the Woodward...this has been a real education . Thanks for taking the time to comment...Regards.

Ps. As far as Cabelas was concerned I just asked if they could help me ...The gun was listed at $7,999).... .I had no smoking gun...and they did help out...also, forgot to say that he said he could open the chambers a bit to make it 2 3/4... But advised not to as that would take it out if Proof( officially)... I decided not to and leave it as a 2 1/2... As it was intended..
Posted By: Krakow Kid Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 09:01 PM
Oh my, my..........Take your pick; "Done Deal", "Case Closed", "That's a Wrap".

I think this piece is going to be one helluva great companion for many years to come. Please don't think about its pedigree, fight the urge to keep it safely tucked away.

Use it. Use it a lot. In fact, don't buy any other guns, ever. Just use this Woodward, all the time. Blast through flat after flat of ammo in the off-season. Use it in the woods of New England for grouse, in future years bring it with you to other places, using the money you'll have saved from not buying any other guns.

Just you and that Woodward. Can you see it? You'll be a legend.
Posted By: Condor Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 09:19 PM
kid, I will use it....and a legend?...more like a legend in my own mind...haha! know I have done well I think with Cabelas when I got that Grant with Boss included an oak and leather case that was never mentioned until I picked it up...the case was restored by a guy named Messina from upstate NY....that was a bonus. Then last year I got a Purdey single barrel trap gun from them...all original except for a modern recoil pad...both under the price I paid for the Woodward. I always watch Cabelas. Check out that Lang for $3,500... Looks like original barrels and side lock. Check the engraving....if it is tight with ample barrel thickness ..could be nice...and I bet someone would get it for 3 grand...
Posted By: Krakow Kid Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 10:40 PM
Are Cabela's really open to haggling over the price of a gun?
Posted By: GJZ Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/19/13 11:04 PM
Posted By: Franc Otte Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/20/13 02:56 PM
that gun looks super.The re barreling wouldn't phase me either,as a fine shooter9the gun, not me smile I too kinda see it as plus in a way, as long as the price reflects that, & you are happy with said price..& thats a personal kinda thing here.
Glad it passed the check up.
So what are the chambers? Is the engraving pretty sharp, kinda hard to tell from some pics, got any macro shots to see?
Is the serial # on the trigger tang in relief ? looks raised.
I love how it looks from the top, the lovely engraving on top tang, lever etc..sweet chequered saftey,awesome fences....I guess I like it smile
I wish you pleasant days afield with your new mate
Posted By: Condor Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/20/13 04:17 PM
Thanks Franc, the chambers are 2 1/2.... But it was close as they measured to 2 3/4 to the breach face...but a bit below the recess for the shell it was 2 1/2....Hutton thinks more in line with 2 1/2... But as stated earlier he could easily open it to a certain 2 3 /4.... But we thought keep it at 2 1/2 as proofed...I do not have real micro photos as it is to tough with a cell phone...I kept deleting some of the photos I took because of the shakes tring to steady the phone...the engraving looks sharp for this old gun and although Hutton thought so too, he was tough and said abit of wear but negligible...the serial number is raised inside a sunken Cartouch. The leather butt pad looks like it was put on yesturday , but more like The 1970's.. One thing he did say was that the gun does not look shot much since the rebarreling, and felt that someone really liked the gun to have it rebarrelled and he can not tell who or what firm may have done the job back then... Or why the owner did not go back to Purdey to do it...I feel that it was probably simply cost and convience that determined that. This is best I can do with the phone...

Posted By: Joe Wood Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/20/13 04:31 PM
My goodness, but that is well cut engraving and beautifully designed!
Posted By: Condor Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/20/13 04:37 PM
What should I do to protect the engraving going forward....nothing......just oil.....I will not do ANY rubbing...but want to do some protective maintenance...I will shoot with gloves though.
Posted By: Franc Otte Re: Woodward Pictures - 07/21/13 12:27 AM
I'd be a little shaky myself if I'd just received that package , ha ha.I love the raised serial #, thats classy.
What a nice looking Gun.The engraving looks super, love that little bluebell (?) between those two middle pins
I know there are some who would't, but I'd love to here jOes blunt take on this Gun smile...come on jOe,what say you ?
cheers all
Posted By: greypartridge Re: Woodward Pictures/Smallbore - 07/21/13 12:56 AM
Smallbore......That is a beautiful job you did on the restoration of the Woodward. Very high quality work. Thanks for sharing.
Posted By: Small Bore Re: Woodward Pictures/Smallbore - 07/21/13 10:28 AM
Thanks, it came in from South Africa in a real bad state. It had been re-stocked and a new forend wood fitted. We had to work on the shapes of both, but the barrels are original and cleaned up OK, the engraving was sufficiently unusual and the price made it worth getting stuck into.

Condor, enjoy your gun, don't worry about it, shoot it a lot, dry it, clean the bores, wipe an oily cloth over the metal parts and have fun. It is an english gun, designed to be used in the field, cleaned, used again. It can take it!
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