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Posted By: Jrodcody reclaimed shot questions - 10/19/13 12:25 AM
I've been reading some old posts about reclaimed shot. I recently purchased a few bags of it and was starting to load it, but some of the posts have given me a bit of pause. I'm particularly curious about the idea of steel being in the lead.

I have no idea what percentage, if any, of steel is in this shot. For the sake of argument, I would assume very little. So if you have a steel pellet or two in a load with a plastic shot cup, what would be the concerns?

This stuff was $25/bag, and the local stores have shot currently at $50/bag, so there's incentive for me to shoot it, even though I'd rather shoot new stuff.

And in a second line of discussion - Any input on good pricing on new shot from the St. Louis, MO - Springfield, IL - If you are aware of any, please PM me.
Posted By: dogon Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/19/13 12:49 AM
If your concern is steel pellets in the reclaimed shot. Here's a quick way to check.

Pour the bag of shot into an aluminum turkey roasting pan. Then run a strong magnet through the shot. If there are steel pellets the magnet will get them.
Posted By: L. Brown Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/19/13 11:24 AM
Saw shot at a local gun shop here in north central WI for $40/bag yesterday. Cheapest I've seen it in some time.
Posted By: Bilious Bob Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/19/13 11:43 AM
If you're loading reclaimed shot to save money, fuggetaboutit.

Just buy a Remington 870, shoot the stuff through that and worry not.

We'll all feel better.
Posted By: bill schodlatz Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/19/13 02:07 PM
The price I am being quoted on import shot is $35/bag, fob Houston, ton lot one size.

Posted By: KY Jon Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/19/13 03:33 PM
A rare earth magnet will find all steel shot easily. Drop the magnet into a 3/4 full bottle of shot and shake it or roll it for a minute. Then pull the magnet out. If there is any steel shot in the bottle it will be stuck to the magnet. Repeat if needed but I never have needed to do it twice. Total number of steel pellets recovered to date is less than a dozen. In the real world the chances of that few number of pellets causing a real problem is remote. I have loaded about 200 pounds of reclaimed shot so far with no problems.
Posted By: Jrodcody Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/19/13 05:02 PM
Thx ky jon. That's what I thought, how could a pellet of steel in 200 of lead cause any issue.
Posted By: Ken Nelson Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/21/13 02:13 PM
I'm on my second ton of reloading reclaimed. Some like it some don't. I'll not trying to convince anyone to use it because there is always someone that will have differing opinion. I buy from one supplier that washes, polishes and regraphites. He also runs a magnet over it to remove any steel. Shot size is a combination of 7 1/2s&8's. I use it primarily for practice but have used it in tournaments with good success. Your mileage may vary. The last price I paid was a bit about a $1.08 a pound.
Posted By: Joe Wood Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/21/13 04:12 PM
Ken, would you mind giving the suppliers name and location?
Posted By: Ken Nelson Re: reclaimed shot questions - 10/21/13 04:45 PM

He usually posts on as Leadminer.
He travels all across the US and I generally try to catch him when he's coming through Tulsa. I normally buy a ton bulk at a time.

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