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Posted By: Gt1900 ESP hearing protection - 03/24/14 07:24 PM
Anyone here use ESP hearing protection? I got a chance to sample them yesterday and I'm farly impressed. However, at $900 a pair for the analogue and up to $2600 for the top of the line digital, they aren't cheap. I was curious if anyone's using them and what your thoughts of them are.
Posted By: Replacement Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/24/14 08:20 PM
NRA has a member discount arrangement with Starkey, one of the largest manufacturers of hearing aids and hearing protection devices. I got a fresh set of Starkey digital Magnum Ears about four years ago for something like $700. There were three models available with different bells and whistles, depending on what you want. You must go through an audiologist, but NRA has a list. I preferred the sound quality of my old analogs, but the audiologist says the digitals offer better hearing protection. I don't think Starkey even makes analog devices any more. I won't hunt without them.
Posted By: Doverham Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/24/14 10:12 PM
I have an earlier version of these Walker devices that I have been reasonably happy with, particularly given they much cheaper than the ESPs.

Walker in ear
Posted By: dave michno Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/25/14 01:35 PM
Gt1900 - Have used ESP's for 15 years. Only one minor issue that the factory took care of within a few days. Very comfortable and battery life is good. BTW these are the Analog type. I have noticed some back-ground noise from the wind but otherwise no issue's. Have heard good reports on the Digital model but costly for sure. Best,
Posted By: tudurgs Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/25/14 09:58 PM
I have Starkeys ordered thru the NRA. At the time I bought mine, they were advertised as "Top of the Line" but were a lower product. They didn't work as I had hoped. The audiologist raised heck with Starkey, and they replaced them with their best models at no additional cost to me. I still am not crazy about them. I wear them, but the hard plastic case becomes uncomfortable after about 4 hours and I'm not sure about the noise attenuation. Wouldn't buy them again.
Posted By: builder Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/25/14 10:37 PM
I have the same Starkeys as Tudurgs. The NRA was promoting them for Starkey, a hearing aid company,at a very reasonable price. They are made of hard plastic but I find they are comfortable. Your audiologist takes a mold of your ear so they are custom made to fit you. The electronic attenuation seems to work well. The hard plastic case is hollow inside and allows too much sound through. You can tell the electronic attenuation is working but the sound comes directly through the hollow plastic case. I asked my audiologist if he can get them filled inside with a foam to increase the units attenuation but it never happened.
Posted By: Shotgunjones Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/25/14 10:50 PM
Posted By: Replacement Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/25/14 11:01 PM
I have had three pairs of the Starkeys over the years (two analog, one digital) and the only problem I have had is disintegration of the silicone molds. Based on audiologist advice, I ordered the last pair with the hard plastic molds and they have been fine. Starkey makes a line of off-the-shelf attenuators and they manufacture custom products. All of mine have been custom molded by the audiologists and have provided good hearing protection with no artifacts that can't be attributed to poor fit. The first audiologist I used (around 1998) gave me a fit that allowed feedback through the mic when I turned my head or bent down to pick up birds or hulls. Fit from new audiologist is much better, no issues. None of mine has had a clear shell, so we may be talking about different products. The Magnum Ear covers the entire auditory canal, including part of the temporal bone to mitigate bone transmission. No whistling and no wind noise if the fit is right.
Posted By: mike cross Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/26/14 03:02 AM
I use the ESP digital's and find them fabulous and cost effective compared to further loss of my hearing. Get serious guys your hearing is irreplaceable. I'm just as frugal as the next guy, but when I hunt I would not be without these.
Posted By: Tamid Re: ESP hearing protection - 03/26/14 03:16 AM
I use the EAR INC moulded electronic digitals. Again not cheap $2500. When they work they are flawless but they seem to be finicky like most hearing aids. Keep your ears clean of wax and they work better and longer.
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