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Posted By: baldrick Watson Bros. - 04/13/16 12:58 AM
Has anyone seen of or heard of a Wildfowler Gun made by Watson Brother's called an Ursa Major? Gun is a 12 bore with 30 or 34 inch barrels. I have an ad in an old British wildfowling book advertising these guns. I've never heard of or seen these guns before. What a name. "...the distinct advantage of using the (so-called) smokeless powders for other kinds of shooting points to its adoption by Wildfowlers at no very distant date; and now that we have a smokeless powder which is insoluble, which may be saturated, dried, and fired, we think its use for Wildfowling will follow very soon, and with this expectation we have constructed these Guns with an additional fixing between the barrels and action to withstand the extra strain..."
Posted By: lagopus Re: Watson Bros. - 04/13/16 03:36 PM
Might be an idea to check with the makers if it is this Watson; Can't say I have seen the name Ursa Major (big bear). What gun book did you see it advertised in? Lagopus.....
Posted By: baldrick Re: Watson Bros. - 04/14/16 12:45 AM
Practical Wildfowling by Henry Sharp 1895.
Posted By: lagopus Re: Watson Bros. - 04/14/16 02:47 PM
Thanks. I have The Gun Afield & Afloat by Sharp but not Practical Wildfowling. I'll have to look a copy out. Lagopus.....
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