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Posted By: RARiddell Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 01:36 AM
I have couple redhead mutton cases for the Parkers. What's every one using?
Posted By: claycrusher1900 Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 03:03 AM
I have an unbranded leather and baize case I picked up on Ebay years ago for $65. I bought a trade label of the era of my double and enjoy it! It's a toe under style, I would prefer a different style though
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 03:19 AM
I tried those old cases not much on having to take a hunting gun apart to put it on a case. My nicest case is a 52" Mulholland I bought years ago.
Posted By: Colonial Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 03:20 AM
Here is one I made for a SXS 20ga.
Obviously not worthy of notice tho.

Label courtesy of my daughter.

Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 03:26 AM need to be in the case business.
Posted By: RARiddell Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 09:28 AM
Originally Posted By: claycrusher1900
I have an unbranded leather and baize case I picked up on Ebay years ago for $65. I bought a trade label of the era of my double and enjoy it! It's a toe under style, I would prefer a different style though

Toe under would be the opposite of a regular case, upside down so to speak?
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 11:56 AM
Originally Posted By: RARiddell
Toe under would be the opposite of a regular case, upside down so to speak?

Yes, like this one.

I kinda like LOM cases, if they're old ones, for old guns. I've got several makes, but the Redheads are usually pretty nice cases. I do use Beretta "socks" to slip the gun in before putting it in the LOM case, tho'.

For the more modern guns I use a maker's "flat case"....................Perazzi, Beretta, FAIR, Dickinson, etc.

Posted By: Bruce Bernacki Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 09:06 PM
I stumbled on these Negrini OEM cases which are superior to most of the OEM cases you get from the maker (unless they already use Negrini; I think Perazzi does). I thought it was a fair value. I had no use for the more costly travel-rated cases.

Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/17/18 09:37 PM
I have about every kind of case there is. They end up in piles in the closet.
Aluminum, floating, toe under, double gun, canvas, LOM,Negrini, plastic, airline, wheeled, car etc.

And by far, my favorite is a 52”, cordovan colored, bull hide leather, wool fleece lined, FULL length big brass zippered, shoulder strapped case. The more I use it the better I like it. The leather has a nicely worn look to it now. A little leather cream on occasion, and looks even better.

I hate using slips
I hate dis assembling guns between hunting stops.
The big zipper is just the nuts to me. Makes for easy use. Doesn’t rub the barrels going in and out like a slip does. Easily dried. Etc.
Posted By: Rocketman Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/18/18 02:21 AM
Originally Posted By: RARiddell

Toe under would be the opposite of a regular case, upside down so to speak?

It is a luggage type case where the toe of the stock is tucked under the muzzle of the barrels. It makes for a slightly more compact case in width than a conventional layout. Length and depth are unchanged.

As you can see, there is no one best optimum good for everyman case. I adore two tiered motor cases, but use sip-open slips mostly.

Posted By: jmc Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/18/18 04:07 AM
I was going through my double gun transaction files the other evening and I found a file on a A.H. Fox Sterlingworth 12 ga. that I purchased from a gentleman from Oregon several years ago. Possibly a decade. I don’t recall if he listed the gun on this forum or elsewhere, but I was impressed but too unappreciative at the time, that he was also a gifted fine gun case maker as a “hobbiest” as he referred to himself in a hand written greeting card. He is/was an M.D. by the name Watzke. Perhaps he’s a member of the forum that goes by a handle but I doubt it from his included old-school correspondence. In that card, he explained that he had been making cases for just six years or so but had made 75 cases! Enclosed were photos of beautiful oak & leather trunk cases and he obviously had skill. I have the photos.

Wondering if any of you had crossed paths with him and have one of his cases? His note indicated that he advertised his work on “the double gun list” which I assumed at the time was the host site that this bbs is run from but don’t find him there today. Any how, I still have the Sterlingworth and a Callahan letter that he included which of course had the stock dimensions (drops) all wrong..

Dr. Watzke, if you are reading this, I hope you are well and still enjoying your doubles and building those fine trunk cases.
Best, jmc
Posted By: Replacement Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/18/18 04:56 AM
I think he just posted here a couple of weeks ago.
Posted By: SKB Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/18/18 12:32 PM
Dr. Watzke was kind enough to gift me a batch of Double Gun journals just this past weekend.
Posted By: jmc Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/18/18 12:58 PM
Thanks gentlemen, great to hear that he’s still at it and corresponding with forum members fro time-to-time.
Posted By: Ithaca5E Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/18/18 07:16 PM
I have numerous hard and soft cases.

The soft cases are my go-to. There are a couple of nice, stout leather cases with full length zippers that get most of the use, but I also have a little army of nicely padded green canvas jobs by Bob Allen. I got them as seconds for five and ten dollars a pop when the Grand American was in Vandalia. Any of you remember that? For a single-day trip, it's always a soft case, as I dislike assembling and dis-assembling a gun out of the back of a car.

Of the hards I like the Negrini best. They pack well, don't have pokey corners, and are dignified enough to be carried through a motel lobby without undue attention. Mostly I use the hard cases for multi-day trips and for storage.

I have a single LOM case and while it reeks of nostalgia and just looks cool, it mandates the dreaded field assembly and break-down.
Posted By: LeFusil Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/18/18 07:22 PM
The dreaded field assembly and breakdown you say...all 15 to 30 seconds of it? Ha.

LOM cases are only a hinderance to folks who like to drive around and jump out of the truck and shoot birds, in states where transporting a gun uncased is illegal. :-)

I use all sorts of cases. Just depends on what my mood is that day.
Posted By: Chukarman Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/18/18 07:42 PM
I have a number of LOM cases, including the factory case for my Winchester Model 21. They are handy for transport of guns to and from the shooting/hunting grounds. They do not cost much if found second hand.

I have hard cases for luggage use.

I have other hard cases for a couple of my better guns as well. Here is the case for my Fox 16...

Opps! Looks like my photo hosting service no longer recognizes my login. No pics today!
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/19/18 01:03 AM
Originally Posted By: LeFusil
The dreaded field assembly and breakdown you say...all 15 to 30 seconds of it? Ha.

LOM cases are only a hinderance to folks who like to drive around and jump out of the truck and shoot birds, in states where transporting a gun uncased is illegal. :-)

I use all sorts of cases. Just depends on what my mood is that day.


I don't understand the reticence to disassemble and reassemble a doublegun in the field. Does it take you longer on a tailgate than it does in your workshop or house? The gun needs to be broken down to be cleaned, or at least thoroughly wiped down at the end of the day's shooting, be it game or clays. Why not do it right there while talking to some friends, then when you get home you just stow the hard case and get on with relaxing, or cleaning the birds?

Maybe if you're anal about the cleaning procedure, and spend 30 minutes on every gun every time, you need a different procedure. I'm not. I can clean a gun after a round of sporting clays, or a normal hunt, in 5 minutes. It's not brain surgery. Quick cleanings serve me well, until the season is over, at which time I carefully clean every nook and cranny, and use oil and RIG to keep them safe until next season. Taking time then helps me work through the depression of duck and dove season being over, again.

Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/19/18 02:30 AM
It probably is location/quarry specific. At the club, once. Duck hunting once. On the prairie, I make 4 hr loops, so probably once or twice a day.

A long day in the grouse woods sends you through the assembly disassembly pack/unpack process at least 8-10 times. Every time you move a vehicle to a different spot.

It's a pia.

On the grouse moor, somebody else is placing your shotgun fully assembled into a fleece lined slip. Maybe 5-7 times.

Assembling/disassembling a shotgun that many times a day is a waste of time. Unless you like to do it, then it's OK I guess.

It's not for me, and when I'm burning October daylight, I don't want to do it until I get home.

Obviously people should do what they like.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/19/18 02:31 AM
I own LOM, fitted hard cases, and full length soft cases. I find myself using the soft cases. If I’m alone, it speeds thing up a bit, allowing me to move on quicker, and get the dog, or, lately, the kid, pointed the right direction. There is probably a sandwich and a cup of coffee calling my name as well. Distractions on the way to that are best kept to a minimum.
Nobody I hunt with uses a double, or, a case that costs more than $25. Invariably, one of their clown dogs is in the road, or, humping something, or, starting a fight with some other dog, or some other nonsense.
Faster isn’t best, but, sometimes, it helps.
I address gun cleaning at the bench.
I passed on a beautiful 28” LOM in burgundy leather, at the last show, for $85 as I couldn’t see myself using it anymore than the Heiser 30” LOM I already own.

Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/19/18 03:13 AM
Originally Posted By: LeFusil
The dreaded field assembly and breakdown you say...all 15 to 30 seconds of it? Ha.

LOM cases are only a hinderance to folks who like to drive around and jump out of the truck and shoot birds, in states where transporting a gun uncased is illegal. :-)

Like was said earlier if you hunt several spots in one day take down cases are a pain in the arse.

Plus I don't shoot my guns dry and I also don't care for dust or lint on the working parts of my action.

I don't even care for take down cases going to the range....I got a brand new top of the line 34" Americase I bought and have used one time....'get gun out of the safe take gun apart get to the gun club take gun out of case lube and put back never ends it's just one continuous never ending line of unnecessary bull.

But If you are a fair weather hunter then take down LOM cases are great and the kOOl factor is just immense...

"Billy bOb wood you have a look see at that feller...Wonder what air lOOm he got stuffed off in the weird looking case....Billy bOb you think itz one of them tomson sheen guns...

Fred it might be a violin and he's going to play for us.

Gezzzz Billy bOb I can sure tell he means business...".

Myself I could give a damn what Billy bOb or Fred thinks.

If it's raining or snowing and you and your gun are wet I'd rather have a zippered case I can get my gun in quickly and that I can also dry out pretty quick back at the hotel room.

I guess you could carry one of them small puppy tents around with you to cover you and your gun and your kOol gun case while you're packing up.

As one get's older the kOOl factor plays less and less a factor in most peoples lives.

Unless of course you never had a Harley Davidson before you were 30....

Then Katy bar the door.

We all know the 50 or 60 year old guy with his first Harley right ?

He's looking kOOl on that Harley with his pockets full of Viagra....kinda tempting.

Posted By: Hammergun Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/19/18 01:34 PM
I like motor cases more than the valise style. They're very compact. I also use leg of mutton style too and canvas Boyt breakdown cases. I like the fact the gun is less apparent and hidden in my vehicle from prying eyes. I don't find taking a gun down too much trouble but I don't have the opportunity to do it 8 or 10 times a day. I wish I did!

And it's difficult to leave a gun loaded accidentally if you have to take it down to put it away.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/20/18 12:17 PM
A takedown case might be the only type that would fit in an English gunowners car. Those cases are more popular there, than here.

Posted By: wingshooter16 Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/21/18 12:18 AM
I use a combination when traveling. My recent jaunt to the Sandhills included three or four "outings" each day, using the vehicle to get from one honey hole to the next. I like the LOM for the protection and compactness, but once assembled and hunting, I use a soft case when back to the vehicle . On the road finally back home, back in the LOM it goes.

I will be in the market again because of the cases damaged in the fire (actually the water to put out the fire), and may look at other options. I do really like LOM's though.

Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/21/18 12:54 AM
Mike, I must've missed something. Did you have a house fire? If so, I'm both saddened to hear of it, but happy to know that you survived it.

Posted By: Hammergun Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/21/18 01:19 AM
Wingshooter-Sorry to hear that you were a victim of fire. I hope it wasn't to catastrophic and that you and all of your family are okay. Fire is a terrible thing and even a minor fire is dangerous and very destructive. I spent my whole adult life in fire suppression and saw too much.
Posted By: wingshooter16 Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/21/18 10:05 PM
Chimney fire. Had enjoyed a fire the evening before, checked it the next morning before I left for work. There still was a good bed of embers. Secured the iron doors, two hours later a neighbor finally got hold of me (I do not have my phone with me when visiting a patient), and said "Your house is on fire and I'm not kidding!" It took a couple seconds to digest, then I said, "Get my dog out!" Firefighters carried her out after breaking down the front door: her coat smelled of smoke, but she was ok (though a bit traumatized). Been in a hotel for five weeks, as the house is pretty heavily damaged. Just got into a rent house this week.
A lot of good will come from it.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/21/18 10:12 PM
Originally Posted By: wingshooter16
A lot of good will come from it.

Man, I really admire you. You are a true optimist, and I know you're right. I am so sorry this happened and especially this time of year. You will be in my prayers as you go through this trying time.

I know this sounds hollow because of the distance, but if there's anything I can do, please let me know.

All my best, SRH
Posted By: wingshooter16 Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/21/18 10:20 PM
That's very kind of you Stan, and I know it's sincere. When I came back to the house the next morning the first thing I did was put a sign in the front yard that said "I have the world's greatest neighbors." Everyone has been great.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/21/18 11:03 PM
Chimney fires are scary. I've seen one in my life. Many years go my grandparent's housemaid had a chimney fire in her house, here on our place. I watched it burn and can remember it roaring like a jet engine, with flames shooting skyward from the chimney. Fortunately it burned all the creosote buildup out of the chimney and went out before the wood in the house caught fire.

It was clean inside afterwards, and still stands as a reminder of the importance of the chimney sweeper's profession.

Posted By: Karl Graebner Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/22/18 12:04 AM
I wish you a Happy Holiday in spite of your hardship. Hopefully the repairs will be done soon.
Posted By: wingshooter16 Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/22/18 01:22 PM
They are estimating 8 months. The house has to be completely gutted.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts.

Posted By: 1straightshot Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/23/18 01:03 AM

I have had this case for a number of years and never used it. Branded by Winchester and was told it probably was for a Mod 21. 26in barrel length. As clean on the inside as out. I never saw any other Win. case like it. Has anyone else? fair value ?
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/23/18 01:34 AM
As a decent LOM, probably $200-$250. But, since it says “Winchester” on it, no less than $19,000.

Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/23/18 02:38 PM
I've seen them on ebay can't recall what they sold for.

At one time when I had almost gOne vintage crAzy I had a Holland Sport, a couple of Mulhollands and I had a 32" I bought from Lewis and Drake. All were high quality leather and construction in like new or new condition.

I wouldn't give a plug nickle for an old worn, dried out leg O lamb case been there did that more than once.
Posted By: Joe Wood Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/23/18 02:55 PM
I really like LOM cases. They are compact, sturdy, and look nice. But they are dirt traps. I often have my guns in them for the trip but when in the hunting area put them in a soft full length slip. Ever so often I stick the nozzle of my power vac in them to remove as much dirt as possible (I’m in dry, dusty, Texas.).
Posted By: 1straightshot Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/24/18 03:42 AM
I agree completely about the old, dried, beat up ones.Plus they are completely torn up inside.
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/26/18 01:28 PM
My late father received a new Model 12- 20 gauge on his birthday in 1931--came in a canvas and leather two-pc. WRA case, with the side compartment for the 3 pc. wooden rod- leather straps for closing both sections- marked 30 on the end cap leather.

My guess is, back then, many hunters traveled by train, so LOM or other break-down cases were more commonly found. He gave me that shotgun on my 14th birthday- still have it, still shoots like all the good pre-1960 Winchesters do-given proper care. RWTF😀
Posted By: PeterMichael Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/26/18 04:32 PM

CSC case


Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/27/18 03:02 PM
Very nice photos and the shotguns aren't too shabby either. Does the hammer gun have a single trigger- may I ask- what gauge and make. The other shotgun looks a bit like an Ithaca Flues model- am I correct with this guess? Thanks- RWTF
Posted By: PeterMichael Re: Shotgun cases! - 12/28/18 01:58 AM
Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
Very nice photos and the shotguns aren't too shabby either. Does the hammer gun have a single trigger- may I ask- what gauge and make. The other shotgun looks a bit like an Ithaca Flues model- am I correct with this guess? Thanks- RWTF

Thank you !

The hammergun is a 20ga, marked on the rib "Mannesmann Acier Special", whatever that means.

You're correct on the Ithaca - it's a ca.1911 28ga Flues grade 1-Special (steel barrels & upgraded wood) - a very early 28ga.

Posted By: Recoil Rob Re: Shotgun cases! - 01/06/19 06:43 AM
Originally Posted By: PeterMichael

The hammergun is a 20ga, marked on the rib "Mannesmann Acier Special", whatever that means.

Mannesmann Special Steel, probably a Belgian maker, possibly French.
Posted By: Calgary Bill Re: Shotgun cases! - 01/08/19 05:24 PM
Originally Posted By: 1straightshot

I have had this case for a number of years and never used it. Branded by Winchester and was told it probably was for a Mod 21. 26in barrel length. As clean on the inside as out. I never saw any other Win. case like it. Has anyone else? fair value ?

In my many years of collecting I have only seen one case with The Winchester name. I'm sure the Winchester name will bring a premium but I can't say how much. Suspect the case could be used for M12's as well.
Posted By: 1straightshot Re: Shotgun cases! - 01/09/19 01:39 AM
Thanks Bill for your info.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/08/19 02:27 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: LeFusil
The dreaded field assembly and breakdown you say...all 15 to 30 seconds of it? Ha.

LOM cases are only a hinderance to folks who like to drive around and jump out of the truck and shoot birds, in states where transporting a gun uncased is illegal. :-)

Like was said earlier if you hunt several spots in one day take down cases are a pain in the arse.

Plus I don't shoot my guns dry and I also don't care for dust or lint on the working parts of my action.

I don't even care for take down cases going to the range....I got a brand new top of the line 34" Americase I bought and have used one time....'get gun out of the safe take gun apart get to the gun club take gun out of case lube and put back never ends it's just one continuous never ending line of unnecessary bull.

But If you are a fair weather hunter then take down LOM cases are great and the kOOl factor is just immense...

"Billy bOb wood you have a look see at that feller...Wonder what air lOOm he got stuffed off in the weird looking case....Billy bOb you think itz one of them tomson sheen guns...

Fred it might be a violin and he's going to play for us.

Gezzzz Billy bOb I can sure tell he means business...".

Myself I could give a damn what Billy bOb or Fred thinks.

If it's raining or snowing and you and your gun are wet I'd rather have a zippered case I can get my gun in quickly and that I can also dry out pretty quick back at the hotel room.

I guess you could carry one of them small puppy tents around with you to cover you and your gun and your kOol gun case while you're packing up.

As one get's older the kOOl factor plays less and less a factor in most peoples lives.

Unless of course you never had a Harley Davidson before you were 30....

Then Katy bar the door.

We all know the 50 or 60 year old guy with his first Harley right ?

He's looking kOOl on that Harley with his pockets full of Viagra....kinda tempting.

Not the first time I've had to eat crOw...ran up on a Bianchi leg O mutton case and I'm a sucker for Bianchi gun leather.
Posted By: David Zincavage Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/08/19 02:49 PM
I have a question.

I've got a 16g. French hammergun made in the 1870s, with the odd French feature of having the fore-end permanently attached to the action. When you taken the gun down, you release the fore-end, then lift out the barrels, and your shotgun is in two parts. You don't get three.

I've been wondering: what did the French use for cases for these kinds of guns? The conventional leg-of-mutton will never work.

Posted By: Perry M. Kissam Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/08/19 02:56 PM
Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: RARiddell
Toe under would be the opposite of a regular case, upside down so to speak?

Yes, like this one.

I kinda like LOM cases, if they're old ones, for old guns. I've got several makes, but the Redheads are usually pretty nice cases. I do use Beretta "socks" to slip the gun in before putting it in the LOM case, tho'.

For the more modern guns I use a maker's "flat case"....................Perazzi, Beretta, FAIR, Dickinson, etc.


Well, it has been said that you learn something everyday, and I guess this was my lesson for today. I have a couple of LOMs that I use and I have always thought about how with a couple of guns they sometimes are loose and move around a bit. I always looked them over closely for any bluing wear, etc. I never even thought to put them in a sock, of which I have several, to alleviate the movement. Amazing the little things you can overlook, eh!? Thanks for the lesson!!!
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/08/19 04:18 PM
Those Beretta two piece socks are nice, and not overpriced.

Posted By: Perry M. Kissam Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/08/19 05:04 PM
Two pieced socks??? OK, time for another lesson?? I have no idea what a two piece gun sock is?
Posted By: KY Jon Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/08/19 05:10 PM
You see a few LOM cases for two barrels. Few months ago a LOM case for three barrels was on EBay. That was an odd one. I wondered how heavy it would be with three barrels in it. Guess it was for the hunter with s set of 26”, 28” and 30” barrels for his one favorite gun. I’ve seen many two barrel sets, both factory and composed with orphan barrels but only a couple three barrel sets of any type.

I like LOM cases, maybe the looks more than the functionality. For long distances or extended use I have other cases which I like more. But for a quick trip to the club or a local hunt they work well.
Posted By: Perry M. Kissam Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/08/19 05:14 PM
I agree with you and the use you put your LOMs to. I use mine for transport to SD each year just to save space in the Excursion. I then use a gun slip during the day. LOMs do look pretty cool though!!
Posted By: 1straightshot Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/09/19 02:56 AM
RWTF, Those canvas and leather cases where very common back in those days. There was even one that would strap into the frame of a boys bicycle and hold a take down 22 rifle. Like a Stevens favorite. This way when you rode home from school you could hunt...ahh the good old days...
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/09/19 03:23 AM
Originally Posted By: Perry M. Kissam
Two pieced socks??? OK, time for another lesson?? I have no idea what a two piece gun sock is?

Sorry, that does sound strange. What they are is a two sock set that is designed to hold the buttstock and action in one sock and the barrel/forend in the other. They're appropriately sized to do so. There are drawstrings on each, at the open end, which you can see in the pic you referenced showing my SuperFox partially out of the LOM case.

Someone here turned me on to them, and I ordered some just for the LOM cases. I think I found them on the Beretta site. If you can't find them let me know and I will try to find where I ordered them from.

Best, SRH
Posted By: Perry M. Kissam Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/09/19 05:31 AM
I will certainly look Stan. Thanks.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/09/19 12:50 PM

Check out this bad baby....made back when Bianchi gun leather was top of the line. Sheep shearling lined and will accommodate a 32 inch barrel.

Only the second one I've ever crossed paths with.
Posted By: KY Jon Re: Shotgun cases! - 02/09/19 01:48 PM
LOM cases do indeed look cool. Other cases may give better protection. Often it’s a trade off of function for weight and size. My metal cases are like tanks but they weigh a ton. I hate using them for anything but long trips. A soft case or LOM case are much easier to use but not much protection.

My son uses a baseball/softball bag as a soft transport case. Protects against minor damage in the truck for short trips. People who see it think baseball not shotgun which is another type of protection. We call it camouflage security. People see something and just know what they are seeing even if it’s an apppe not an orange.
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