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Posted By: CJO Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/03/07 06:17 AM
I thought I would post pics of the last pad I covered,........ having a tough time sleeping and don't feel like being out in the shop working,looks like the computer might be the answer tonight!.....So here is a condensed version of the job.

Once the pad has been properly fitted, we carefuly carve out the back of the butt stock, this makes for a very tight and clean fit between the leather and the wood




By now the pad has been "dressed", the leather trimmed,dyed and glued on


Wax is applied to the wood and Epoxy to the back of the pad



Then carefuly put the pad back on, screw it in place and in 10 minutes we peel it off again!.....perfectly fitted and removable,will never shift... great for those through bolt guns!


Then we add a decorative touch!



Treat the leather and deal with the plugs



And two days later we are all done!


Boy....posting this took almost as long as it took to do the pad! I remember why I rather be out in the shop

All best,

Posted By: Bill G. Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/03/07 11:41 AM

That is a beautiful leather pad job. You make it sound so easy. Do you use any heat on the wheel when putting the line into the leather or is it just pressure?

Bill G.
Posted By: CJO Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/03/07 12:58 PM
Thanks Bill,'s just pressure,works like a hand burnisher but with more control...the lines come out perfectly straight this way

Posted By: battle Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/03/07 02:41 PM
Great job my man! I also have done a pad or two........but let me ask a question or two(cause i'm always learning). Your purpose of carving out the wood is to fill in with expoxy to make a fit that won't shift? Also the burnishing of the line. Did you use heat or is that pressed on? I havn't tried that, but wouldn't think you would be able to apply enough pressure? What leather and thickness was used? The last pic of the pad looks like buffalo scrotum leather. Looks very professional!
Thanks and take care!
Posted By: CJO Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/03/07 04:51 PM
Let's see now,...the line is pressed on or burnished if you will.
The hollowing of the wood does a couple of things all of which are important to my method 1st...the leather that comes around the back of the pad creates a radius on the back edge..if you mount this on a flat surface no matter how tight you screw it on it will leave a slight gap and the fit will not look clean. 2nd...the centre of the pad will rest flat against the wood, the rest of the leather is not under pressure except on the perimeter where it gets tightly pinched,creating an almost seamless transition between the wood and leather. 3rd...the epoxy will almost always run towards the inside (no mess), seal the edges of the leather and fill the gap,...that makes the pad non shifting and removable. The pig skin is about .030"

Posted By: Ken Hurst Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/03/07 06:25 PM
CJ, I would also like to add my attaboys to all the others your work has brought. That is a very fine job you did, congrats ! Ken
Beautiful job! I have seen plenty that were not.
Posted By: Dave K Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/03/07 07:26 PM
excellent job,come on down to NH I need one done on a Daly and have not seen any that can match yours for perfection !
Posted By: CJO Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/03/07 08:05 PM
Thank you Dave, wife and I were down there two years ago, drove all over NH and Maine had a great time,... ended up in Cape Cod...might do it again next year...can you wait that long?
Or you can just send the wood!?.......

Posted By: Jimmy W Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/04/07 04:40 AM
That is a nice job and it really looks great. I would be afraid of running the chisel past the side and taking a chunk of wood off of the edge. How is the burnisher attached to the table and where did you get it?
Nice work indeed! I'd also like to know more about the line burnishing wheel and also any tips for stretching the leather. I still sometimes have a problem with leather bunching up arond the heel and toe.

Thanks, Rob
Posted By: Dave K Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/04/07 11:41 AM
my first thought after seeing that outstanding work was sending you the wood but I am terrified of both buggering up the screws and losing the wood in the mail.Is made it since the 1920's without having a screw touched and I would hate to seperate it now [email][/email].Maybe next time your down this way would work.
Posted By: CJO Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/04/07 06:49 PM
Thanks Jimmy,....I sometimes worry about the chiesel getting away on me, especially when working on an expensive piece...the burnisher is adjustable for height and bolted on to an acrylic plate....It's of my own design, I make a lot of my tools.

Rob, I buy the "whole" tanned pig skin and within all that leather only 50 % of it is suitable, most of it is too thick and tough to use...also leather has a directional "stretch" and you have to take that into consideration when cutting the chunk you are to use......fleel free email me direct if you wish to discuss further


I sent you a PM with my email.

Posted By: Ken Hurst Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/04/07 09:23 PM
CJ --- I have tried to send you a PM but can't get it to work for me. Please email me your email address so I can contact you please.

Ken Hurst
Posted By: BPGuy Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/04/07 09:32 PM
A very nice touch indeed! Mr. Hurst, I must say you are a man of many wonderful talents, and I deeply admire all the work I have seen from you. Thank you for posting pics and explanations of how you achieve such fine works; even though I'll never have the skill (or guts!) to attempt such a thing, I do enjoy seeing "how to".

Thank you!
Posted By: Jim Legg Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/04/07 09:39 PM
Absolutely beautiful job, CJ. Thank you for sharing the good pictures with us.
Posted By: John Can. Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/05/07 01:51 AM
C.J.: Very nice work indeed and the pictures are a great tutorial on a job I've attempted on occasion myself. I have just one question for you - have you ever hollowed out the pad "plate" a little instead of the stock to give that nice sharp edge? --- John Can.
Great tutorial! May I ask what epoxy are you using?
Posted By: CJO Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/05/07 12:43 PM
I'm glad you all enjoyed the post!

Jerry,..I'ts just regular 10 minute two part epoxy

John, I suppose it could be done but it won't have the same effect and the pad may start moving around after a while

Thanks for taking the time to document and share your fine work.
Posted By: JayCee Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/05/07 02:40 PM
Hello CJ,
Great work and great tutorial. Thanks for sharing.

Posted By: CJO Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/05/07 03:53 PM
Hola Juan Carlos,.....como estas?
Long time no hear!.......good luck on Satuday!

Posted By: JayCee Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/05/07 05:27 PM
Hola Claudio,

And now I realize I had someone to visit during my day in Toronto on my way back from Boston!

Wow, my daughter Emilia and I trod the streets looking at the CN Tower and then to the lakeside to make time for our flight back (at midnight)!

Next time.


P.S.: Surely luck will be needed for the U20 team. Our soccer teams are rather lousy.
Posted By: Buzzbee Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/05/07 06:22 PM
I’m very impressed by the craftsmanship.
Can you descript how the threads get imprinted in the leather, I never worked with a burnishing wheel, I don’t even know what that is. I imagine the lines are some what pressed/rubbed in to the leather, I'm guessing it's from friction produce by the burnishing wheel. Do you put the wheel in a high speed drill or a drummel tool?
Posted By: CJO Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/05/07 07:35 PM
You know how a pizza cutter works?,......same pricipal without the sharp edge

Posted By: Jimmy W Re: Leather covered pads.....a nice touch! - 07/09/07 12:57 AM
Another question if you will: It looks like you are using gray erasers for the plugs? Or is it some other material? Thanks again.
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