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Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Darne contact. - 02/23/22 02:55 AM
File this under “for what it’s worth”.

Whatever remained of the company that built Darne shotguns in France, has been sold to a new owner. Surprisingly, I have been told he is a young gunmaker, by the name of Mornet Ronan.I do not know this man, but, people I do know, that I hold in high esteem, do. His work, in repair, and building the guns is said to be exemplary, and he was an independent gunsmith/gunmaker prior to owning the company, and turned out finished, in the white actions, supplied to him by the company to be sold as Darne built guns. I am told he is mercurial, and almost completely unconnected to the World Wide Web, checking in briefly, or seldom, and not terribly concerned about following up. Another contact, a relocated Frenchman, put it this way-he is “a very typical French gunmaker, that is about the best I can say, and that isn’t saying much”.

Dude is honest, anyway. Mirrors my experience.

At any rate, this is the contact information I have.

Perhaps this will help someone out, here. If you are interested in historical info or date of build guesses, or translating proof marks, you will do better, right here on Mr. Weber’s site.

The world is changing.

Posted By: Tim Carney Re: Darne contact. - 02/25/22 10:17 PM
Apparently, Ted, Ronan Mornet bought Ets. Darne in 2020 possibly from the Holding company that had acquired Darne from Herve Bruchet seven or eight years ago. Here's what is on the internet about the new company which does not seem to be heavily capitalized and he is a sole owner, if my French serves.

Regards, Tim

Présentation de la société DARNE
DARNE, société à responsabilité limitée, immatriculée sous le SIREN 892452350, est en activité depuis 1 an. Installée à SAINT-ETIENNE (42100), elle est spécialisée dans le secteur d'activité de la fabrication d'armes et de munitions. recense 1 établissement ainsi qu' un mandataire depuis le début de son activité, le dernier événement notable de cette entreprise date du 30-12-2020. Ronan MORNET est gérant de la société DARNE.
Voir les mentions légales pour contrat
Renseignements juridiques
Date création entreprise 30-12-2020 - Il y a 1 anStatuts constitutifs

Forme juridique
SARL unipersonnelle
Du 08-01-2021
à aujourd'hui
1 an, 1 mois et 18 jours
SARL unipersonnelle

Noms commerciaux DARNE
Afficher le numéro de téléphone


Numéros d'identification
Numéro SIREN 892452350
Copier le n° de SIREN

Numéro SIRET (siège)
Copier le n° de SIRET

Numéro TVA Intracommunautaire FR19892452350
Copier le n° de TVA

Numéro RCS Saint-Etienne B 892 452 350
Informations commerciales
Catégorie Métallurgie
Activité (Code NAF ou APE)
Fabrication d'armes et de munitions (2540Z)
Du 01-06-2021
à aujourd'hui
8 mois et 27 jours
Fabrication d'armes et de munitions (2540Z)
X mois et XX jours

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Informations juridiques
Statut RCS INSCRITE - au greffe de Saint-EtienneExtrait d'immatriculation RCS

Statut INSEE INSCRITEAvis de situation SIRENE

Date d'immatriculation RCS Immatriculée au RCS le 30-12-2020
Date d'enregistrement INSEE Enregistrée à l'INSEE le 30-12-2020
Taille de l'entreprise



Capital social
40 000,00 €
Du 08-01-2021
à aujourd'hui
1 an, 1 mois et 18 jours
Capital social : 40 000,00 €
Posted By: skeettx Re: Darne contact. - 02/25/22 10:25 PM
This is the translation that I got

Presentation of the DARNE company
DARNE, a limited liability company, registered under SIREN 892452350, has been in business for 1 year. Located in SAINT-ETIENNE (42100), it specializes in the business sector of the manufacture of weapons and ammunition. lists 1 establishment as well as an agent since the beginning of its activity, the last notable event of this company dates from 30-12-2020. Ronan MORNET is manager of DARNE.
See legal notice for contract
legal information
Company creation date 30-12-2020 - 1 year agoStatutes of incorporation

Legal status
One-person SARL
From 08-01-2021
until today
1 year, 1 month and 18 days
One-person SARL

DARNE trade names
Display the phone number


Identification numbers
SIREN number 892452350
Copy the SIREN number

SIRET number (head office)
Copy the SIRET number

Intra-community VAT number FR19892452350
Copy the VAT number

RCS number Saint-Etienne B 892 452 350
Commercial information
Metallurgy category
To see
Activity (NAF or APE code)
Weapons and Ammunition Manufacturing (2540Z)
From 01-06-2021
until today
8 months and 27 days
Weapons and Ammunition Manufacturing (2540Z)
X months and XX days

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Discover MORE+

Legal information
Registered RCS status - at the Saint-Etienne registry RCS registration extract

INSEE status REGISTERED Notice of situation SIRENE

RCS registration date Registered with the RCS on 30-12-2020
INSEE registration date Registered at INSEE on 30-12-2020
size of the company
To see



Share capital
From 08-01-2021
until today
1 year, 1 month and 18 days
Share capital: €40,000.00
Posted By: Tim Carney Re: Darne contact. - 02/25/22 10:28 PM
Nicely done!

Regards, Tim
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Darne contact. - 02/26/22 12:34 AM
If it is a one man shop, he won’t need a ton of capital.

I notice it is identical to the Bruchet address, leaving me to conclude it is on the same premises as it was, across the street from the St. Etienne chamber of commerce, and the building that housed the canteen for the Manufrance company, which, was a fancy restaurant when I was there. That building would be frightfully expensive to buy. I wonder if he rents the gun making premises?
Upstairs was a exercise club, that was rented out.

I wish him luck.

Posted By: fab500 Re: Darne contact. - 02/26/22 09:32 AM
Salut Ted,
Il a une boutique sur Naturabuy.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Darne contact. - 02/26/22 02:28 PM
Fab Merci pour l'information. J'ai vu ce fusil sur le site Web de Français précédent, mais il ne semble pas que ce soit la conception Petrik que les Buchets construisaient. Sinceres salutations Ted
Posted By: GLS Re: Darne contact. - 03/01/22 11:01 AM
Be interesting to hear the number of R10's that are sold at 6,000 Euros @. Gil
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Darne contact. - 03/01/22 12:26 PM
He has the trap gun O/U, which, does not appear to be a Petrik, listed at 14,800 euro.

Good luck with that...

Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Darne contact. - 03/01/22 01:13 PM
I came in contact with a Darne shotgun once....fitting name for a bolt action.
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